Friday, December 26, 2008

An Unusual 25th and a Happy New Year too!

We were almost packed up, all set ( and eager) to jump in the Van to go for our yearly Christmas dinner at Denise's. It was to be our last as their house has been sold to make way for a mansion and Ron and Denise are moving to Costa Rica. Well, Teresa came down with the stomach at just that moment. A sudden change of plans and I stayed home to take care of her. We took a few minutes to change our menu and we sipped on ice cold Sprite together. Teri took off for bed and slept on and on.....

Tim had just stopped by earlier, on his way to Oklahoma. He was hoping I would babysit Ed, his undercover poodle. I will have to post a picture of Ed as he looks like a perfect English Sheepdog but with an aire of Royalty. He's handsome- just a poor traveler.

Anyway, as I sat in the middle of the couch and stared at the Christmas tree-I thought of how it was a most unusual Dec. 25th. It was too quiet, the air was absolutely still except for the hum of Teresa's fish tank motor and the occasional rattle of windows as the jets took off from Bush airport.
So, I determined to just enjoy the moment anyhow.
I did, but I do have to admit that I missed you all a LOT.
After all my"enjoying", I was so relieved to hear someone at the door 5 hours later! Lolli was back with her blinking colored necklace, an armful of presents and salted plums and lemons. She always fills up a room with her laughter and chatter. The house came alive again! Everyone arrived home shortly after.

I love you all and pray you will have a really wonderful NEW YEAR. I have a feeling that we will all be needed and appreciated more than ever. One of the things I was thinking of when I was staring at the Christmas tree, was how very proud I am of all or you and even if we weren't together in Houston, I felt so close to you and so much thankfulness that you were all in good places, happy and busy at "making a difference".


Maya said...

I Love you too mom, and you should have called me. Have a Wonderful New Year! I hope Teresa is feeling better now.