Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Parties

Ah yes,we had a tough time finding a place to have our Christmas partythis year. After some late night intense searching...we finally found a place, thanks to Father Christmas! The Taqueria Arandas promised us their entire bar area for a few hours and we sure had plans to fill it up! But alas- it snowed the day of the party! It was all day and quite heavy in places, that is by Houston standards. Even the weather men were shaking their heads as no one anticipated this one. We were a bit dismayed at first as no one here is very good at driving in snow. We were wondering if our little home would be eating fajitas and stacks of tortillas for breakfast, lunch and dinner for weeks on end!
As it turned out, most people came. The snow had a drawing allure and so many people were out and about, thankfully, in our direction.
We felt the full effect of a white Christmas. We had a great turnout. a few people shy of 100. 40 were guests and the rest our wonderful co-workers in faith. Of course, the wonderful promise of a fajita meal at the famed Taqueria Arandas, was pretty hard not to brave a blizzard to get to.

Andrew and team filled the entertainment bill. Even the waitresses were stopping work to pull out their cameras and snap pictures. It was so well done.
Our resident Italian chefette- Teresa. copped out and deprived us of her usual fare of scrumptious baked goods and settled for making cute little packages of Keebler's cookies,Christmas cookies and candy canes for all the kids. They were quite happy about that anyway. She exhausted herself at Thanksgiving with an amazing array of pies.( Photos coming at a later post.)

All in all- we had a great Activated Party and the common comment was- Hey let's do this again soon.....

Our friends, an wonderful group from all over Houston, filled up the bar area. It is always so unique to see the variety of people that come together- we even had great Security and 2 of our visitors were retired policemen. Walt, a scientist friend, can never pass up a chance to teach and Teresa went away from the evening with something pretty cool on a napkin. It was some kind of formula. I hope it was the one to turn our vehicles into hydrogen running cars.