Monday, December 15, 2008

Bunny babies!

Today, or rather this morning I woke up and went to feed my rabbits. (For those of you who haven't guessed, or the exceptionally slow readers, this is Teri writing, and yes I did get permission.) And the fur in Honey's (my female rabbit) nest box was moving. At first I was taken aback and shocked at the sudden appearance of movement; but due to the fact I was freezing my rear end off I recovered enough to drag myself inside. By the time I had gone through the door my wits were fully repossesed (or as much as they ever were. Some of the less scrupulous members of our proud wells family will tell you many discouraging things about my wits, much to my dismay of course.) and I ran throughout the house yelling for my mother to come quickly. The rabbit had had a litter!
She was a grandmother again!
Now I figure I'm boring you with my story, but let me say one last thing; I took pictures of these 7 little beasties for you, but the lighting wasn't the best so we'll have to cope.
(I took pictures for Kiona, whom I had promised them to.)
Here goes:

There's them lying comfortably in their nest.
Don't the look warm?

Here's the best individual picture I got.
Yes, they're pink, hairless and rather ugly.
(Naturally, they run a close second in ugliness to none other than my immediate precedent sibling.)

Aw, well unfortunately those are the only two good pictures I have. The rest make them look too much like the aliens they are.
As they get older though, maybe when they're a week or so, I'll take more pictures and post them.


Claire said...

I never imagined they could be so cute.

Serena said...

Or so ugly they're cute, which both accurately describes your bostons AND my newborns.