Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jason was a lifeguard again this year. He's moving to Mexico next week. He will be MISSED!

The end to another swim year. It was mostly rained out but Teresa did great this year in the Medley and Butterfly. Her team were such good sports- even tho' they were up against stiff competition and enormous teams. They didn't win much. The end of the season party was quite fun. The flying watermelon was a hit. It was greased with lard.
Teresa didn't win the doughnut contest. She was concentrating too much on etiquette.

Well,Violet couldn't pass by a trip to the Arboretum here in Houston. We were there late enough to catch a shot of the hare.

~photos by Teresa.


Jasmine and Anesia visiting from Boston. We missed Alex!

Monday, July 9, 2007

my granddaughters' art

Thank you sweet Valorie- what a beautiful picture- the beginning of many I hope!

Love ,Grandma

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My grandaughter is so cute!!! Thank you Maya :)

First blog

Hi! My first blog!