Thursday, February 11, 2010


o the  Head of the  Seeing Eye Training Dept. came down to Houston to check out my pups. She was actually quite young. I had been expecting someone in their 40's or 50's. She took one look at the pups and reached down and picked up Jet, saying, I think this is the one. She said it often happens that they can tell at first glance.. She went ahead and tested them all but Jet got the highest score. He was great in going after the keys and finding his way out from under the blanket. It was quite a fun test. Natalie said that the majority of service dogs are male. They just get higher scores.
So Jet will soon be attending Texas AandM.. We are invited up to see the classes so we are looking forward to that too. They have 5 dogs currently in training- 2 labradoodles, a Goldendoodle, a retriever and a shepherd of some sort. She explained that the dogs have to be so well trained that they won't react to a lot of stuff- like getting their tail run over by a grocery cart. Ouch! I asked her how they trained for that. I will tell you at another time- to keep your interest piqued.

Anyway, Jet will be looking after an Autistic child. Pray he does well so he won't have to have a" career change.".