Friday, July 9, 2010

More summer fun.

It has been wet this month. we have had almost 10 inches of rain and that is Harris county overall. Some places have had a lot more. It has kept us in a bit more. I t is very late here and I just poked my head outside for a breath of humidity. Ugh! It is 2 in the morning and it is so noisy. We live near a big hospital and the  usual is sirens all night but tonight there are no sirens made by humans. Rain lovin' creatures get so vocal after a rain. It's quaint. I could have just jumped up on the trampoline and grabbed the telescope and star gazed all night, if it hadn't of been for the other happy creatures that loves rain- the bloodsuckers. The mosquitos are out in force.
Well, enuf of that. In spite of the knee deep mud, we went to Cypresswood Stables to work with the horses for a bit as Olivia has never worked around horses. A team had just gotten in from a 100 mile endurance race so there was a lot to do around the stable. Olivia and Teri cleaned out a barn on hands and knees. Lots of mud had to be cleaned up. After, they oiled the saddles  and played with the 2 week old barn kittens as they did that. It's a lot of fun.
 If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I have secret plans to arrange for Olivia to take a trail ride down by the creek. It will be a muddy affair as at one point,they cross the creek. I think she will be surprised and happy. Regretfully, she has to go home in just a few days. Summers are all about grandmas and their grandkids!
Oh,Violet had her first swimming lesson today and the first thing the teachers did was to trash her water wings! Yeah! She did great and was very brave. The teacher is very good, a young Mormon man raising his funds for his 2 year Mission. Teri and Jason's coach was also a Mormon and I do have to say, they are great swim teachers and coaches- real good with kids. Violet was just glowing the whole class- the perfect student!
Cheena graduated from her Intermediate Training class last night and will now go on the Canine Good Citizen and prepare for being involved in FAP Therapy work. Her trainer said she could already pass but we are taking it slow as she is too young. We are so proud of her and I am proud of Teri. She is still working with Allie, Our Service, and getting training with her Service dogs. Pray for Adam. He needs a job and is restless to get to work. He is so well trained and would make a great mobility dog. I love those poodle mixes. Allie had a little setback as she was bitten by a baby copperhead and while the EMT people were taking her to the truck, the mother snake struck out at them. They barely missed that attack. Allie is quite sick! That makes 2 of my friends that have been bitten in just a few weeks.. The hospitals say it is one of the worst years ever for snake bites so everyone be careful!. My dogs agree with that. The only one that hasn't been bitten is Wellington!