Monday, December 7, 2009

Why I married Jeff

In reality, it has been so long ago, some of the details have gotten a bit fuzzy. I thought I had better write them down.
The first time I saw him, I was busy being hostess at our coffee shop at Expo 72. I know no one remembers this but it was like the Christian Woodstock at the Texas Fair Park. At least I think the churches had planned it as such. They just didn't invite the more radical element "US", to attend. Well, we somehow got a coffeeshop across the street and  quickly became quite a popular place for the church kids to hang out and take cover when things got boring at the Expo. I managed the front desk and greeted all that passed through our doors. It had it's exciting moments. Well, one day this "beard" walked in. He was all bush but the eyes that peeped out from behind it all won my heart at first sight. It might sound cliche and corny but it was right then that I knew we would end up together.

We maybe exchanged 5 words and then he was off busy working.  Sound familiar? I won't get into all the details of what happened over the next months. My life was so crazy and full of changes and gettting ready to move to Holland. The "beard" just seemed to pop up from time to time and then be gone...sometimes it was 5 words and other times a bit less. It just seemed like it was all really not meant to be and impossible to make happen if a person tended to look at things logically.

So I really didn't try. I know everyone today is into to opposite  and doing long term planning for the future. I had been a school teacher  for 2 years so I loved the new  change, spontanaity and  waking up the each day and just letting Jesus be the  guide for a change. I think because I had that trust and faith, God saw a way to orchestrate the entire senario. There were a lot of physical miles between us most of the time and our responsibilities kept us thus. Still somehow, all these surprising times popped us where we met , totally unplanned, so we did eventually tie the knot- in Danish and twice a few months apart.

Did I choose him? Yes, in a way I did but I do believe I let my Father do most of the chosing.  He knows best. That was way back in 1973. There have been plenty of tough times and scary moments but I can honestly say I love him more than ever.  Here's a little recent event to give you an idea.This year I planted a sweet potato plant. It went crazy and grew everywhere, taking over the whole entire garden, bursting out of the fence and into the neighbors yard. I couln't stop it and then I realized how much was going on underground. I dug my fingers gently into the ground a few times to check on the growing potatoes and was amazed at all the growth that was going on that I couldn't see. My marriage has been like that a lot.
When I first got the potato, a friend found it while cleaning one of her  friend's pantry and nearly threw it out.  in the garbage.It was  a shriveled up funny like thing but she gave it to me to plant and now it is magnificent!
.I am into watching foreign movies lately and I got this movie about a Jewish girl and an Arabic girl that were both teachers in the same school and facing arranged marriages. Amazingly they became friends and they both had arranged marriages of a sort, with very happy endings. I did have to laugh as at my first attempt to get married, things went so haywire and I tried so hard and it didn't happen. I was the wedding planner.
My second time around, I let God have a very big hand in everything and it worked out practically all by itself  and was all just what I needed afterall!
This boy (now man) I married, just turned 57 two days ago.  This week I was looking through all our old pictures as Nadia is putting together one of her famous "BOOKS" by Shutterbug for his birthday gift. It is like pictures from 1950-2009! I just have one last comment.....
                                                                            Enjoy your life!


Maya said...

Cool Post mom!! I can hardly wait to see the book. Did dad have a good birthday?
