Saturday, December 19, 2009

The history of books......and me.

I don't know how or why it all happened but as long as I remember, I have always loved books and still do. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that " back in the old days" black and white TV wasn't all that interesting and the few channels we got  didn't offer much. Unless you loved watching Tom chase Jerry  over and over again, Howdy Doody and Bozo the Clown, there just wasn't much. We had one skating Rink in town and 1 old swimming pool down by the river bottoms. Yuba City just had to be the quietest town in Northern California. Oh, I can't forget to mention that it was pretty exciting when the Fuller Brush man came along, or the Milk man with his colorful wheel displaying all his available products and the crop dusters that would fly so low. That was a bit of fun.
So anyway, I buried my nose in books almost from the time I could crawl out of the car and waddle into the Library.
 Each year I seemed to develop new techniques. I was well on my way to reading every book in the Library. Along the way, I accidently drowned a few  in the bath tub, lost a few to hungry hounds, decorated books with a variety of jams and peanut butter and had to do odd jobs to keep up with my fines. I perfected  techniques to read while horsebackriding, vacumming, feeding the chickens, ironing, cooking etc. If I ran out of Library books, I would read the phone book, church bulletins, instructions for every new device that came into our home and explore my dad's desks and drawers. He always had interesting. One of my favorite things was the stash of house  plans he kept rolled up.
So, no small wonder that that book reading energy has been passed down the line. I have always been intrigued by what my kids actually enjoy reading.
Even with the internet, books will never really go out of style. In fact, they were quite fashionable during the last hurricane and our 2 weeks of life without electricity.
Nevertheless, since my room had become difficult to navigate and my husband refuses to part with his 25 desk top computer carcasses that he might be able to use someday, tomorrow I am going to clear out all the excess. Something has to go.
Now, just what can be considered excess?
I will downsize by 75%. How is that for an agressive plan?