Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh my!

I had quite a tough day with having lots to do around the "Ranch" so to speak while dealing with a stomach  bug that kept me running, All I really wanted to do that day was get lost somewhere in God's creation and enjoy the skies, trees, smells and sounds . It was one of those rare perfect autumn days in Houston. Well, that evening I thought I had things all wrapped up with work and had visions of stretching out in my bed under my cozy covers and sleeping. I dove into my bed, relaxed totally and was down to stretching out my toes when Teresa popped her head into the room and told me she had prepared a great pasta. All I had to do was poke my head into the dining room and check it out.
It is a promise I made to myself long ago to always appreciate a child's work of art so I bounced up out of bed with great pains to make the move seem effortless and enthusiastic. I found myself in the midst of a surprise party just outside of my bedroom door. I thought my burthday was all over a few days earlier!
 So, does that mean I have to be 60, instead of just 59?
My very favorite friends just happened to be there in my living room and didn't even seem to mind that I was disheveled and funny looking. Amber and Teri not only had pasta ready but all the fixings. Yummm.
Jeannie had sent along a wonderful custom made cake to compete with Teri's special lemon merangue pie.
I always love stories and it was a special gift to hear of Johnny and Ruth's camper travels in the Middle East. What pioneers and exciting times. Those were definately crazy and fun days  but what joys to just follow God step by step and mile by mile. I found myself thinking," You really did that!"

 God is so good to give us not only our daily needs but all the trimmings.
Thanks to some very sweet friends for making my 59th (not 60th) birthday special.


Maya said...

HHHAAAA!! I am happy to hear that you got a surprise party!!! Those are fun! I love you mom. Have a wonderful "59th" year!~
