Sunday, November 15, 2009

6234 Fairdale

Green Van and I took a journey into the Southlands to gather supplies for home base today. Being Sunday it was prettty easy driving and I didn't get lost. I did take a slight detour by our old place on Fairdale. That whole area is a bit gloomy and rundown with lots of FOR LEASE signs around. The only places that seemed to be still doing good were the Unitarian Church and Pappas Restaurant.
I got to thinking about the time I went back after they tore down the house and ripped up the trees. There was still stuff around and I got out and just walked the area where the house used to be. The actual ground where the house stood seemed so small. In fact it just didn't seem real. When we first moved in, we all kept getting lost in that 5,000 square foot house. That day the actual space didn't seem enough for a  decent doll house.  I walked all around, counting my steps, trying to connect. It just never computed. Then I got to thinking of all that happened in that house during the 8 years we lived there. Maybe that's what made it seem so big. After tearing it all down and carting it all away, it just seemed so empty, quiet and abandoned.. That was then. Now there are 13 high end condos where our 6234 Fairdale house once stood. I'll have to pull out my pictures!


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