Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Meltdown......Texas style.

The heat index here is going to be 108 for the 2nd straight day. We are not used to such heat even here in Houston! Can you believe a banana tree died today and about 100 of my other plants are wilting terribly. The only things that seem to be doing well are the cactus plants.

Tonight, I went outside to bring the poor pooches in and an owl swooped down and it looked as if he was wanting to join right in unnoticed. He definately was headed for the door. Tim is off in Seattle doing Army Reserve stuff for 2 weeks and says he is enjoying the weather. It looks like he will be moving to Oklahoma in the next few months if all goes as planned. Those breezy tornadoes will keep things cooled down. I am beginning to think I may hitch a ride to the Rainbow festival afterall as I hear it is in a VERY cool location. Wonderful mountains!