Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A borrowed pair of trail conquering boots and.....

These boots did a lot of walking this last May. I would like to boast and say " they climbed treacherous mountain cliffs, braved slippery slopes, forded snow-melt swollen and icy torrents, stayed firmly on the trails inspite of sudden summer deluges and logged many miles".

Well, yes they did all that in a modified sort of way. The enclosed feet, not used to being restricted in such a way, responded with stinging red blisters. Ha! Such wonderful family, exciting scenery and bliss soothed it all away! Thank God for Mountain Boots!

Thank you Nadia and Justin for doing so much to make our Yosemite trip so fun- even down to the last detail.

I have so many pictures and don't know where to begin. The kids were all so photogentic but I wondered if I would be stealing Maya and Nadia's thunder if I posted all my grandkids pics. So, I will start with my own kid's pics. Yeah Teresa! I may hear about this tomorrow. She always feels I pick on her.

I will just post a few.

In all my "horse days" as a kid, I can't even remember seeing a live mule. They have always intrigued me as they are tooted as being so versitile. When I saw Teresa's potential mount on her trailride, I wondered if she would be disappointed. Madonna and Teresa got along famously. She was so good natured, firm footed and really knew the trails.

Madonna of Yosemite.

Next installment coming soon.