Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brother-in laws both....

Tim is a busy guy now days. At Krogers, they like him enuf that they promoted him into managers's mode. He's doing that and putting in more hours as well as being successful with the books. He likes studying somewhat but with all that in his life, he doesn't have much time for friends. He appears to have taken up a new hobby, just collecting stray dogs. As you can see, he may be terminating this activity sometime in the near future. He is exhibiting signs of frustration.

He doesn't come up this way often but he came to have dinner with his brother-in-law James, and I tagged along. Texas Road house can be a lot of fun but after catching up with lots of pictures James had stored on his computer, Tim somehow got in the midst of all the line dancing waitresses. They really put on quite a show for about 5 minutes.

Yep, there he is, trying to act invisible!


Maya said...

hahhaaaa that is hilarious. Tim is looking more and more like Tom Hanks..:) So, about his promotion, is he a manager at Kroger? And what is the fact that he is good with books? Book keeping? Thanks for posting the pictures. Sedric looks like he was having fun with the guys dogs too.

Maya said...

hahhaaaa that is hilarious. Tim is looking more and more like Tom Hanks..:) So, about his promotion, is he a manager at Kroger? And what is the fact that he is good with books? Book keeping? Thanks for posting the pictures. Sedric looks like he was having fun with the guys dogs too.

Claire said...

He's studing at college ( history, math and English) and one of the floor managers there at Krogers. He's busy.