Tim has moved and has a new address. It's
Timothy A. Wells
HHC 2-69 AR
FOB Rustimayah\APO AE 09390
It just takes a normal stamp as any postage to soldiers in Iraq is handled as stateside mail. In case you want to send any packages- a FLAT rate box at the post goes for just 8.60. I can squeeze quite a bit into one box. It doesn't matter how much it weighs. I managed to get 15lbs of stuff into one. It's kind of fun to fill up a box, an outlet for creativity. I hear the guys over there pass stuff around. Maya sent a Christmas tree, complete with ornaments!
I hope Tim doesn't read this post...... he will possibly be exasperated with all my antics and efforts. I hope he's up for yet another one. Growing up with me as a mom he should be used to it but I always try to keep him on his toes. After all, who needs a conventional mom? I think he panics when I tell him I have written Pres. Bush yet another letter. I just have to speak my mind on some topics.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
new address for TIM
Posted by Claire 3 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Update on Tim's Gifts for Christmas by proxy
Well, Perla sent a gift in Tim's name to a person she knew last year . It was someone she had a hard time getting along with a while back. Thanks Perla.
During a cold spell, I gave the gift of warmth, in Tim's name! I kept the home fire burning almost around the clock ( with Jason's help chopping the firewood). Our Texas acclimated bodies can't handle freezing weather. I was back to foraging for firewood in that big pile . I had to battle quite a few fire ants that had a hard time letting go of their squatted homes. Those guys are ornery critters. Everyone in our busy household, huddled around the fire as much as they could as well as quite a few visitors. Tim's picture sits on the mantle- right next to the manger scene.
I found 3 more people that needed coats and an older man that needed shoes. One was a Hispanic girl of about 12, Rosa. She was the oldest of 7 children- sound familiar?
I heard that Maya and Tim's girls had something in the works. Stay tuned and Merry Christmas again and again. Keep giving the gift of love and "cheering up" to those the Lord brings across your path!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
It's feeling so much like Christmas! Everyone here complained about my Christmas light job. What's wrong with Christmas lights that look like red hot, blinking jalapenos? After all we live in Texas.I thought they were unique. Well, I took them down. Boo Hoo! Teresa is vowing to redecorate the front yard with white lights! It still feels like Christmas. Perla and James added a wonderful touch with cards for everyone they could think of. The mailman, Bruce, man teased me a bit about that. The stack was pretty thick. Now I need to get on remailing them.
Well, everyone.... don't forget anybody! The personal touch makes a world of difference. We have wonderful families and a wonderful Family too.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Our phones are up and down but Maya was able to get through today with news that the ice storm up there is the worst disaster ever for the Joplin area. It seems like they are going to have to have a major tree replanting this spring. Sitting here on the Gulf coast, it is hard to imagine. It seems their area will continue to be without electricity for a while so she asked for prayer for them all. That's not good for little Valorie as her CF vest depends on electricity. They may have to go back to the old fashioned "clapping" to keep her lungs clear. One positive thing is that they have plenty of firewood and a new wood burning stove!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice castles!
Just in case anyone has been wondering about Maya and Tim- they are iced in from what I hear. Maya said Tim was trudging around in big boots on the ice. He's toting a chain saw trying to chop their way out of the property. Evidently a lot of trees came down. They don't have electricity but I hear the generator is working. She's faithful to call and keep us updated. It's winter.......just not in Houston. We had our air conditioners on today!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Finally- a good movie
Finally- a good movie.......
I think I have told everyone I know about the extra tall Ponderosa Pine tree in our back yard that got hit by lightening. It all happened 6am on the first day of the Renewal - July 15th. I was trying to check on the animals outside and comfort Teresa's poor guinea pigs that were cowering in the garage during the storm. I wasn't more that 12 ft. away from the tree when it got hit. All of our hair was standing on end from the lightening strike, my heart stopped a bit, and everything smelled real odd.
There was quite a loss of electrical appliances,computers and electrical stuff in general all over our neighborhood- our TV included. It was easy to see that The Lord had a message for me in all that. At the time, I wasn't exactly cheerful about not watching movies for 6 months. I was actually up early, wondering how I was going to check on all these storms we have in Texas without watching the Weather Channel. Well, all that to say that, since that day, strangely enough I honestly haven't been enjoying movies like I used to. The buffness has gone out of this movie" buff"...me. I just seemed to lose interest in most of what's coming out of Hollywood nowadays.
However-I was explaining all that to say I finally saw a good movie tonight! I would like to recommend August Rush. That definitely caught my interest in a big way. See it if you get a chance! Music lovers will especially enjoy it.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Wells kids together once again. Birthday dinners always seem to draw a crowd. The older brother keeps a firm hand on the younger siblings. They can be a tough bunch to keep in line and a bit rowdy- especially at birthdays.
The only girl ( upper left) Elle and her brother pup who always seems to get the short end of the stick. He is actually making up for it by speed and crafty tactics.
Posted by Claire 2 comments
One more special day- the 55th in fact!
Yes, it's true, my husband of many years-(we were married in Christania, Denmark- July of 1973) turned 55 today. We began our married life by the side of a lake, with guests from many nations and all walks of life. Some Egyptians students surprised us by jumping up and dancing a traditional fertility dance in the middle of our wedding ceremony. Could that be why I had 7 beautiful children and my first child was named Nadia? We spent our honeymoon in Lund, Sweden- dining on smoked eel , cranberry juice and reindeer sandwiches. Someone had brought us over some special delicacies as a gift-some I could not even recognize by sight or taste.
Anyway, this morning, the birthday boy slept in a bit and I think he was trying to lay low to avoid the barrage of Happy Birthdays. He really isn't shy so I don't understand his trying to hide out. I had to put the puppies in bed with him to lick his chin to get him up in a hurry. 5 exhuberant Boston terrier puppies can have that effect.
His first Happy Birthday was a text message all the way from India. That's a tribute to a missionary right there. We're going to try to make the day special for him all day long- that is if we can find him. All of you who know him will understand what I mean. He really is a wonderful person, dedicated to his job of serving the Lord and living each day to the full. In fact, his days don't usually end until 3am. He has high ideas that I have admired over the years and I have to say, I have never been bored or have any regrets.
And not to mention- the 7 wonderful children we have together are the joy of my life! Thank you Jesus and thank you kids for all you do to make the world a better place!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My fifth child
She has been on my mind. I seem to always miss her extra at Christmas. No one left home quite as early as she did. So Perla Renee- you are the object of my prayers today! I did this crazy thing and designated everyone a special day in December. Hers is the 2nd. OK? I have so many wonderful memories of being her mom.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Struggling to keep the home fires burning
It can be a fight and a non glorious one at that. It's the everyday details that are "oh so important" that can be the hardest to keep up and at the bottom of everyone's list. This morning there was a chill and cold rain and everyone was hiding under warm blankets. I was up early and feeling adventerous and cold. All we had left in our wood box was a few overly dried logs. I decided to tackle a big pile of assorted wood we had in the back yard from 2 enormous trees that came down over the last few years. Hmmmm- It was like a treasure hunt to find something to burn. As I climbed on top of it all. I was surprised to find that the small branches didn't support me. After thrashing around a bit, I came crashing down in a tangle of wet twigs. leaves and branches and probably sleeping snakes and spiders and a rodent or two. My feet were sticking straight up and my posterior was cushioned in a muddle of something gross but comfortable. I found that everything I tried to grab, broke! Toby, my noble 4 legged assistant, sympathetically stood guard over me on a nearby log while I fought my way out of the brambles for the next 30 minutes. I lost my borrowed boots somewhere in the mess. In the meantime, I was hoping no one ventured outside to see what all the noise was about. Lo and behold, it also began to down pour again. I would have been extremely embarrassed as I know no one expects 57 year old grandmothers to be quite this crazy. When I finally emerged I must have looked like a pathetic wood cutter's wife from the 14th century or someone rising from the grave! It was a hilarious situation but nothing a good warm bath , clean clothes couldn't fix, and a cup of hot chocolate!
PS......I got my wood and and again looking a bit prim and proper. Thankfully no one is up yet and no one witnessed my early morning foray. Hopefully I can keep it a secret and they will never know.
Isn't is a nice cosy morning in front of the fire? No one quite appreciates it like I do,
It's all in a days work of keeping the home fires burning.
Posted by Claire 2 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey woes
Here it is so early in the morning and I need to get the turkey started. I am delaying, trying to find anything I can to get distracted. I never really know how to cook turkeys. At like this, I miss my son-in-law Tim. I don't know why they really had to move away to Joplin! No one cooks a turkey quite as good as Tim (he is a bit proud about this fact however) and at the risk of him becoming even more proud, he is the best cook I know. Now, no comments about me being the worst cook he knows!
Thanksgiving really isn't the same around here now days- especially the turkey. It is just sitting here on my counter at 5am, still half frozen and looking a bit pathetic. I thought a lot about just boiling it and when I mentioned that, Mike and Michelle got on the phone, desperately trying to find another place to go for Thanksgiving. I really think it was just an excuse to fly the coop though.
Oh well, one comfort I have is that my little Bostons, and of course Ziggy- all just love my cooking and make me feel like a 5 star chef. Maybe I will just boil this turkey and serve them the whole bird and go find another place to spend Thanksgiving myself. Anywhere else.......here I come!
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Renfest is always a lot of fun and this year was no exception. We always enjoy the singing, plays and the demonstrations of life so long ago. I sometimes wonder about the actual historical value however. It is in a beautiful village close by to where we live. It just comes to life only once a year!
Posted by Claire 3 comments
Renfest 2007 !
The Highlands band escorted everyone out after the fireworks show. Michelle somehow wandered into the middle of it all and the drummer rescued her, showing her the way to safety. Everyone loved the Greek band here- the dancers came later.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Nov. 10th came once again. It never fails to roll around once a year and I realize I have grown yet another year older. The Lord made it easy to remember my age- being born in 1950. I guess that makes me a half century baby boomer. I knew I had yet another label!
Thanks to everyone that made my birthday special. I grow lots of plants and flowers and admire the beautiful flowers in all the floral shops but I rarely am on that particular recieving list. I was so pleased and surprised when this year I got a enchanting bouquet from Tim in Iraq with about 100 different flowers. My dad sent a wonderful tropical plant display with plants I have never seen before. I have a little bit of Hawaii in my home! Thanks Tim and Dad. Not stopping here but continuing to go around the world- Crystal, Mike and Michelle brought me over a purple flowering bush from Austrailia. Wow, the outback must be a beautiful place! These little purple flowers just sparkle.
Having my kids so far away is hard but trips to the mailbox hold a bit more excitement nowdays. Thanks Nadia, Maya and Perla and for your gifts. Thanks Karen and Joe for the movies etc. Fun! Titus and Mia made my day by all the incredible pictures of Deren and his new little sis that they sent my way. Japan "becomes them".
In case you haven't seen them- check out their Blog.
Oh, can't forget that my thoughtful husband took Teresa out to a lake that they suspected had tons of bass and blue gill as it was technically a "lost lake". They were trying to catch my dinner as they know how much I love fish. Mark went along and he had to beat down 8 ft. weeds, hoards of insects and spider webs to even find the lake. When ponds in East Texas are forgotten, they tend to get really hard to find. Teresa has pics of this all coming soon.
I do appreciate all the things people did for me this year. It was so exceptional. Jason even brought himself- showing up at 2 am at the airport! Mexico will miss him. I am most thankful for all the wonderful and incredibly different people the Lord has brought to brighten my life. I groan and grumble sometimes as my preference would be to have everyone right here in Houston all the time. Wouldn't that be something? Instead, the world is a richer place but thanks to you all for making my birthday a very good one! I look forward to 58!
Posted by Claire 3 comments
Labels: A Good Year
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I love going out into the 'highways and byways'. I had big plans of showing you some pics of some of unique East Texas friends- that is- until my camera informed me that my battery was exhausted. Although I was dismayed, I think our friends were a bit relieved. I did get this one picture. This man is a glass blower and does some amazing pieces. He creates from his heart with patience and skill. Glassblowing is something I never understood. I do now.
Lately, I have taken a lot more time to" listen". I have not only learned a new appreciation but have grown to respect and look for beauty in odd and unusual places and people I haven't taken time to get to know before. I love this 'out of the box' approach and the Piney Woods area in East Texas is good for that. Suspenders, Rumplistiltskinish beards, scruffy overalls, lengthy picturesque stories and tall tales, hot coffee by the buckets, kindness and backslapping, kids with puppy dogs and kittens, pickup trucks, fruit stands with free samples of pickeled watermelon, sudden terrific storms that last a few minutes, kind older folks that treat anybody younger like grandkids, spontaneous singing and dancing, little old towns with funny names like Cut n' Shoot, plenty of horses (seems like mostly pinto) and unbridled ingenuity.Well, to sum it all up- the older I get, the more I find out I don't know and God put so much for us to not only do, but to enjoy doing. "Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands". It's almost Nov. 10th and I'll be 57 years young (don't feel obligated to spread that around tho') and I feel like I'm just getting started.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Labels: glass blower
Monday, October 22, 2007
A late night activity
I was diligently slaving away on Teresa's school planning tonight. As always, I was fishing for new ideas to stay organized. It's a favorite past time with me late at night. Ho hum. Well, I love paperwork and found a few neat sites for anyone interested in Homeschooling ideas, and charts of all kinds. Actually, I was just on a search for kitchen related charts and here I am- up 3 hours later and sharing my find! Teresa will probably play sick (or dead) tomorrow. She senses when I am on one of my organizational binges.
Posted by Claire 2 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What more can we say...
Taking a moment to pose. Joe is visiting from Taiwan. He's the one in white. Can it be he is recruiting?
Posted by Claire 0 comments
One of our 'Famous Family Daze'
We sometimes get the urge to hop a city bus and explore and this time we ended up at the Zoo- again. We just can't stay away. We both love to click away and here are just a few shots. I admire these old oaks. Their twists and turns amaze me. I can't help but wonder just how many children have spent hours of fun on these branches throughout the years. I climbed trees a lot in my younger years. When I tried to climb these, Teresa made me come down!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
New Laborers of an unusual sort
We've been good at helping folks of all ages and talents get to the Mission field. It's something we have done a lot of over the years. Well, that's great and all but a few gaps have developed on the home front and we are learning how to cope with a shortage of help. An odd assortment of laborers are coming forward and putting their best feet forward . We believe in 'teaching others to teach others'. Daisy had enough interest but eventually wandered away when the car just didn't go anywhere.
Biscuits anyone????
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
A evening out in Houston- well we never know really what the agenda might be for tomorrow and the Lord always has plenty of surprises. Some can be quite unique. I just try to stay ready. Jeannie and Chris are in town from Joplin and while phoning one of her friends, she ended up with 20 free tickets to the stage play Arsenic and Old Lace the next evening. Some of us were scratching our heads at the title of the play but since it was such a short notice, we didn't have time to balk. We loaded up in the Van and only got lost once on the way! It was a 3 hr. long play but I have to say that we all enjoyed it and the acting was very good. Dr. Einstein was almost everyone's favorite-especially the hairstyle. Michelle pointed out that he also played the part of a wacky pirate in Treasure Island so he is quite versatile. Before the play, the MC told the story of the play as it was written during WWII and played the complete time in London during the London Blitz-never shutting down once. That had to be dedication under literal fire.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Labels: An evening out
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Happy birthday Georgia. She sure is a beautiful one. I know she is a real talker. She calls me but I have yet to really understand much over the phone. She has the enthusiasm part down.
I know every mom is proud but Maya and Tim's girls are all quite beautiful, talented and sweet. They just live too far away. I can get into moaning and groaning a bit about all that. I am usually pretty cheerful but that is my one downfall. I have to go on a lot of walks and swim a lot and keep generally keep busy doing new things and "stretching the borders of my tents". I miss the pitter patter of little Stone feet- and the larger sizes too.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
To honor a faithful one.
It's a bit of work to get the curve of the tail just right. Takes time.....
A picture of patience.
He has been with us for 13 years and ever faithful in his dedication to what he did best.
When we first arrived here in Houston we set up a home in a old Art Gallery in the nightclub district. We all agreed it would be nice to get a watch dog. Our property was big and woodsy. When we went see the litter of German Shepherd pups, the owner asked what we were looking for in a dog. Our request was a watch dog that was great with kids. We had 21 kids there at the time. This one little black pup followed us so closely that he wouldn't get off our shoes!. We took him home he has been close by us ever since.
The Lord anointed him for the job as we only had one incident in 8 years while a lot of exciting things happened in the area. He had a commanding demeanor and no one really thought to risk bothering our home.
He loved children and I think a lot of young people may remember playing tennis with Ziggy when they were kids. We lived next to a tennis court and had a non -ending supply as no one dared to come get their balls back. Ziggy and Lady (his mate)hid them all in their secret hole under a tree until they felt like using them. When we found their stash, there were 33.
His 15 minutes of fame came when 2 teens from an apartment complex behind us, jumped the fence into our back yard and were fighting with knives. The police were already chasing them, complete with helicopter and Ziggy quickly treed the bad guy. The 15 policemen had to politely ask us to call off our dog so they could climb the fence and apprehend the fellow. So, he then had the nickname of Ziggy, the police dog.
Mark has retold this story numerous times with all the rest of us chiming in with details.
He was strong. Jason was thinking kind thots when he let Ziggy spend the night in one of our cars. He actually forgot he left him in there. Ziggy hates being in small places and demolished the complete insides of the car overnight. We found him the next morning. There were wires and stuffing everywhere. We sold the car for $100 after that. The tires were still ok.
He hates thunder and fireworks. He's tried to break into the house through breaking glass windows and has chewed wood off of our outside doors as well as removing a garage door when he accidentally got left inside. Recently he has developed milder techniques and chewed up the round metal door knob so well that he can just turn the knob, enter the house and he actually turns around and closes the door behind him.
He has a gentle heart towards anyone young. He seemed to live to play with the multitude of kids that passed his way over the years. Besides watching over umpteen kids on Get Outs, he had plenty of pups with Lady and he has taken care of my Boston's and the others pups I take care of from time to time. They all love to play with him- especially his long fluffy tail. Recently I had a little 1 lb. Schnauzer pup that I was taking care of and the first night she was alone in her kennel, I was expecting a big fuss. I wondered why she was so quiet. I went into our laundry room, Ziggy had opened (and closed) the door behind him and was lying beside the little one. She wasn't even as big as his nose.
Well, recently, our faithful guardian is having trouble chasing anything and new pups have to learn their limits. Greeting and touching noses are okay but no tail tugging and energetic licking of his face. He has a lot of trouble walking - especially on cold days and barking at the Meter man takes all he has. He just does it sitting down now. I don't think he will be with us long now. Someone pointed out he was 96 in dog years now.
I just wanted to share this little bit as he has been a part of a lot of people's lives. In his own way, he has taught me a lot. We have always had an open house and had so many brethren pass through. I just wanted to honor Ziggy a bit as one of our faithful missionaries. He welcomed so many with unconditional love. He has done his job well over the years- his mission of watching over God's children on Fairdale and here.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Labels: It's hard to be a role model
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wonders never cease....
I hope Mia doesn't mind if I borrow this pic. Of course us Grandmas are all alike. Their grandkids are always the cutest.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Arwen,she is one of my November grandaughters. She's beautiful like her mom, Charlene, and seems so wise and thoughtful- like her dad, Tim. She's soon to be 5. She's in Romania.
Posted by Claire 2 comments
A few pics from some relaxing time in a friend's beach house in Galveston.
The pic of the flower is actually from a Papaya tree that grew in our back yard. The fruit grew quite large. We made an interesting little discovery (at least for us) the other day. We made a papayas /soy smoothie and put the left overs in the fridge. After a few hours it resembled creamy jello. With a dab of whipped creme we could see a kid's healthy delight! We looked up a bit about papaya and it has a special enzyme (the only plant that does) that aids people with cystic fibrosis and pancreas problems. I suggested to Maya that they put in a green house up there in Joplin and start a few for Valorie! I just successfully transplanted a 3 ft. tree here so I can make the first tree donation!
A cheerful note from Houston. It was actually cool last night! Autumn is finally showing itself.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
New School Year
Well, I am once again a High School Teacher and Teresa is my new student. Of course we will do the required core subjects but we are all set to have fun with electives. That is the big deal right now. This is our rough draft. This is what happens when there is only 1 teen in the house.
Art Drawing ( James started this with her but we haven't yet found a new teacher or course)
Pets and care( I thought of calling this Pre-Vet Science) We have access to books but her first hand experience so far has included hands on experience with emergency care, administering vaccinations, treating and diagnosing common diseases and ailments (dogs, small animals) mostly. We also volunteer at Cypress Stables where we help care for 50 Arabian horses. It is very close by our home.
Nutrition: She is currently in charge of the kitchen and has taken charge- Michelle is helping her to research diets and foods for healthier living as well as menus for people with special needs. This also includes developing exercise plans.
Carpentry: First project- constructing a bow and arrows. We googled this but haven't gotten far on this although it sounds like a lot of work and fun and perhaps useful if we do any wilderness camping in Canada. It's a hereditary interest.
Computer graphic and upkeep: Any ideas on this?
Writing short stories (creative writing courses)
Mail Ministry: Organization and letter writing
Instrument; Flute ( She is doing well but needs a teacher to make more progress. There are on line classes. Her teacher moved to Iceland!
Landscaping: This is starting tomorrow. We are visiting a Stone Supplier and starting with making pathways. We live right by the Arboretum and they give classes.
Language; Japanese (Okotteru!) Having Michelle here is a definite plus. She is not only fluent but a good teacher- having been born and raised in Japan.
Disaster preparations: CPR, First Aid and Lifeguard training as well as planning for a variety of possible emergency situations.
Dancing (Ballroom and other forms)
Dog grooming: We have our own kit for this and she has done Poodles, Schnauzers and Maltese. It is quite a challenge and fun. There are on line classes as well.
Home Economics:
Electronics: She fixes things! We will probably need to get a tutor for this so our house doesn't fall apart.
Typing: She really does type well but she wants to get faster.
Therapeutic Massage: Michelle is teaching her this.
Digital Photography: She has a new camera and already has a small portfolio.
Home schooling is the greatest!
Well, this is just a few beginning ideas> As you can see- we are both excited about the coming year!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, September 7, 2007
Happy birthday kid.
Hope it's tons of fun.
To tell you the truth, this isn't claire at all.
This is teresa and you are out of luck.
Never mind that, Have a happy birthday anyhow.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Jason was a lifeguard again this year. He's moving to Mexico next week. He will be MISSED!
The end to another swim year. It was mostly rained out but Teresa did great this year in the Medley and Butterfly. Her team were such good sports- even tho' they were up against stiff competition and enormous teams. They didn't win much. The end of the season party was quite fun. The flying watermelon was a hit. It was greased with lard.
Teresa didn't win the doughnut contest. She was concentrating too much on etiquette.
Posted by Claire 2 comments
Well,Violet couldn't pass by a trip to the Arboretum here in Houston. We were there late enough to catch a shot of the hare.
~photos by Teresa.
Posted by Claire 1 comments