We sometimes get the urge to hop a city bus and explore and this time we ended up at the Zoo- again. We just can't stay away. We both love to click away and here are just a few shots. I admire these old oaks. Their twists and turns amaze me. I can't help but wonder just how many children have spent hours of fun on these branches throughout the years. I climbed trees a lot in my younger years. When I tried to climb these, Teresa made me come down!
She has good eyes but failed to see the giant lizard ready to pounce on her as she crossed the bridge. Her thots were on the flamingos she was trying to catch in delightful poses. Check her blog. Thankfully, the lizard let her pass.
This is her new Fuji Finepix in action. She passed by the lions. They didn't seem too photogenic that day. She went for the hard to see creatures in the Reptile house that were doing their best to blend in and sleep. I can't imagine they appreciated her flash as I'm sure they felt exposed. The Albino croccodile was ignored as he slept blissfully on his heated plastic pad.

A curious one. I just called him Gilbert. We did have a bit to discuss. I could tell he didn't like his current situation much. He did really seem like he was trying to communicate. "Get me Outta here!" Thank God for thick glass. I spent my time photographing fish, while Teresa hunted the camouflaged crew in the reptile house. That took a lot of focus and concentration-and a good flash.
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