Sunday, October 7, 2007

Happy birthday Georgia. She sure is a beautiful one. I know she is a real talker. She calls me but I have yet to really understand much over the phone. She has the enthusiasm part down.
I know every mom is proud but Maya and Tim's girls are all quite beautiful, talented and sweet. They just live too far away. I can get into moaning and groaning a bit about all that. I am usually pretty cheerful but that is my one downfall. I have to go on a lot of walks and swim a lot and keep generally keep busy doing new things and "stretching the borders of my tents". I miss the pitter patter of little Stone feet- and the larger sizes too.


Maya said...

Thanks Mom, you are a sweet Grandma to the girls and they really miss you too. Being away from you for 10 months now... I can hardly believe its been that long since they have seen you. Love you Mom.