Saturday, December 8, 2007

Finally- a good movie

Finally- a good movie.......
I think I have told everyone I know about the extra tall Ponderosa Pine tree in our back yard that got hit by lightening. It all happened 6am on the first day of the Renewal - July 15th. I was trying to check on the animals outside and comfort Teresa's poor guinea pigs that were cowering in the garage during the storm. I wasn't more that 12 ft. away from the tree when it got hit. All of our hair was standing on end from the lightening strike, my heart stopped a bit, and everything smelled real odd.
There was quite a loss of electrical appliances,computers and electrical stuff in general all over our neighborhood- our TV included. It was easy to see that The Lord had a message for me in all that. At the time, I wasn't exactly cheerful about not watching movies for 6 months. I was actually up early, wondering how I was going to check on all these storms we have in Texas without watching the Weather Channel. Well, all that to say that, since that day, strangely enough I honestly haven't been enjoying movies like I used to. The buffness has gone out of this movie" buff" I just seemed to lose interest in most of what's coming out of Hollywood nowadays.

However-I was explaining all that to say I finally saw a good movie tonight! I would like to recommend August Rush. That definitely caught my interest in a big way. See it if you get a chance! Music lovers will especially enjoy it.


Unknown said...

looks like they had a blast. I'm glad the gang is still doing well. :) Miss you all and happy birthday, dad. Love you both.