Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ah.....changes galore!

Right about now, I could be sitting on a nice soft carpet before a roaring fire- probably either in Northern Italy or the Swiss Alps.   Let me pinpoint that to either Asiago in Italy or Chamonix in France. A good book would be great and of course, plenty of hot chocolate. Snow falling outside would be a great touch. If these moments were as easy to order up as food on a menu.
Anyway, the good news is that I am sitting on a couch right next to a fireplace. I hear it is the gas type and I haven't checked it out to see if it already has one of those logs that never need to be replenished. I will miss the real fires but I will not miss my  episodes of getting the logs squeezed into the fire place. Too often last year, my feeble efforts resulted eventually in a warm house, complete with smoke and fire marks around the fireplace where they just should not have been. It was so cold last year. I could not stay warm without a fire.
Well this is my second night sleeping in a new place. I have many memories of the many homes I have lived in all my life. Each one had something special to enjoy and for me to develop warm fuzzy feelings about.
Everybody needs these kinds of places and a place to call home.