Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov. 10th came once again. It never fails to roll around once a year and I realize I have grown yet another year older. The Lord made it easy to remember my age- being born in 1950. I guess that makes me a half century baby boomer. I knew I had yet another label!

Thanks to everyone that made my birthday special. I grow lots of plants and flowers and admire the beautiful flowers in all the floral shops but I rarely am on that particular recieving list. I was so pleased and surprised when this year I got a enchanting bouquet from Tim in Iraq with about 100 different flowers. My dad sent a wonderful tropical plant display with plants I have never seen before. I have a little bit of Hawaii in my home! Thanks Tim and Dad. Not stopping here but continuing to go around the world- Crystal, Mike and Michelle brought me over a purple flowering bush from Austrailia. Wow, the outback must be a beautiful place! These little purple flowers just sparkle.

Having my kids so far away is hard but trips to the mailbox hold a bit more excitement nowdays. Thanks Nadia, Maya and Perla and for your gifts. Thanks Karen and Joe for the movies etc. Fun! Titus and Mia made my day by all the incredible pictures of Deren and his new little sis that they sent my way. Japan "becomes them".
In case you haven't seen them- check out their Blog.
Oh, can't forget that my thoughtful husband took Teresa out to a lake that they suspected had tons of bass and blue gill as it was technically a "lost lake". They were trying to catch my dinner as they know how much I love fish. Mark went along and he had to beat down 8 ft. weeds, hoards of insects and spider webs to even find the lake. When ponds in East Texas are forgotten, they tend to get really hard to find. Teresa has pics of this all coming soon.

I do appreciate all the things people did for me this year. It was so exceptional. Jason even brought himself- showing up at 2 am at the airport! Mexico will miss him. I am most thankful for all the wonderful and incredibly different people the Lord has brought to brighten my life. I groan and grumble sometimes as my preference would be to have everyone right here in Houston all the time. Wouldn't that be something? Instead, the world is a richer place but thanks to you all for making my birthday a very good one! I look forward to 58!


Maya said...

WOW! You sound like you'll have a wonderful, fuller garden soon.. I miss seeing all your gardens and plants and flowers. I low you mom and am thankful to have such a wonderful MOM! You have been great and I find myself 'praying' that I can be like you. You were really patient with us and you are so soft spoken.. Happy birthday and I know that this next year will be even more grand!

Olivia and Kiona said...

HAPPY birthday Grandma! We love you. Kiona and Olivia

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, mom. I know it's a little past it now, but I did call on the day. Love ya and think you're the best mom ever! xo