Friday, November 30, 2012

Opinions Unsolicited

In the course of my everyday busisness, I have found that I have become more openly opinionated. Maybe it's just an indirect result of the crazy Presidential Elections this year. The whole tone of things amazed me to the point where in spite of me becoming opinionated about other things, I cannot find words for how I feel about the elections. Wait, I do take that back. My overall feeling is one of disappointment in human nature.
Enough said about that,

I went shopping at Sams Club today and ran into a lady wheeling her cart to her car.  She had a bag of Beneful Dog Food in her basket. Dog Food Advisor rates the brand with a big F and explains the reasons why. At the time I was going over the ratings I just happened to be using Beneful. After reading the reasons, I just tossed it out in the nearest garbage can, which happened to be the neighbor's at the time, and changed brands to an brand rated A+ and that was that.

Out of the ear shot of  any Sam's employees, I told her where she could get my new favorite brand. It just so happened to be sold at Sam's big competitor, Costco. I sat in my car for a bit afterwards, thinking that I was in danger of having my picture posted in the local establishments due to my new practice. With all the econonic woes people face, I have just felt we all need to give a hand in getting the best deals for what money we still have.
Someone suggested I just start my own Farmer's Market and open up an adjacent stand for consumer advice. I'd probably eventually get stoned.
Oh well, those are my short thoughts today on being 62 and a lot more opinionated nowdays.

Laurie Claire Wells 2012 and going strong.......