Sunday, November 18, 2012

And yet another wonderfulThanksgving!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and there is so much to think and reflect on. The world seems a bit crazy this year and I have to fight the tendency to dwell on what's happening. Today I was out in a small town and ended up at one of  their local flea markets...again. I have always enjoyed the experience as well as meeting the locals. Over the years I have come to know some of the people in this small East Texas town and  to care about them and their families. I love small town folks.
One thing Texans are known for, is their hugs. Not being native to Texas, it was a bit hard to get used to at first. Having lived in different countries over the years and having to adjust to local customs, I have always been a bit socially challenged in some aspects. After living in France and used to the air kisses from cheek to cheek, Japan threw me for a loop . The customs were so different and I was ever so thankful that someone sat me down and gave me a crash course there.So much to learn!
Today I was reflecting on how much I have have begun to feel Texas is my home and how much I enjoy the warmth and hugging that goes along with it. I have come a log way.
SO, this Thanksgiving, it's not so much about the festivities and food, but all the more about caring for each other in this crazy crazy world. Reach out and show someone you care today. There are so many little ways and such a need!
PS. Someone asked about my post about Laurie Claire Wells being 62. Yes, it has happened. It feels great! I'm thankful.


Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention the turkey! I will try again. I keep trying...