Saturday, December 8, 2012


I admire all the people that are attempting school at the moment. Since I have been taking my daughter to college everyday this last year and a half, I have gotten to know some of the students and what they are up against. I was initially shocked by how many people are going BACK to school. I felt odd at first and thought that surely everyone must be staring an me as I walked across campus but then it became obvious that I wasn't such a novelty at all.
So, I have to say I admire the students that are right now cramming to take the semester's finals. young and senior. Seeing the atrange places my daughter studies in, I have to laugh but to some of these people that are older and managing to attend school, work and juggle a family, I just think they are the greatest and I pray they reach their goals....and get good grades!
Well, let's all try and take time to enjoy Christmas in spite of finals and busy schedules. Let's have love, compassion and understanding for each other and  share each others burdens in any small way we can. One small act of kindness can just make the difference!

Christmas 2012 Laurie Claire Wells in Texas.
PS Oh, by the way, it feels like summer here....where's the white Christmas? We are all still in shorts!