Christmas is just around the corner and I've been dwelling on the thought of how different it is from last year. So much has happened and so many things have been shaken up this past year. It's been one of those years of change that takes a lot of grace to pass through with grace and faith. I was thinking about how I have quite a list I need to compile for the New Year.
I will have to do it in stages. The biggest thing that comes to mind is that we finally moved. With all of the changes in our work here and our co workers goals changing,, it seemed our possibilities were slim. Our home was in a state of disrepair that we didn't seem to be able to handle. So, with Nadia and Justin's brave venture into the world of "home ownership" we finally moved from Doral Sept. 1st. It was a battle 'til the last day but when we heard the news that the loan went thru, I was in awe and still am.
I am getting to know my grandkids a lot better. I feel that that I am getting more mileage out of life and giving to people that appreciate the "gift". I can't explain it well but the circumstances of the last stage of my life seemed to be mottled with spots of "ingratitude". We all want to be pouring into people and life projects that are lasting and meaningful. It's just nice to be in a better place and rounding out.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Just around the corner
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
A day out in the wild is always good for one's soul. It was hard to get away at first as I am also getting ready to go to California for a week but we did it! It is still a bit muggy here in Houston but still there was a lot to enjoy.
First, a complaint. I absolutely hate air mattresses. It is hard enough for me to bend down and crawl into a little tent but then ti be jostled around and have my balanced threatened. It is a bit too much. I found if I settle in and lay absolutely still, it is endurable. I really do have to find something else however.
The grilled dinner was fantastic, excluding the one chicken leg that fell into the fire. Kiona took an unannounced shortcut and got lost for 15 minutes. That was a bit of excitement as it was dark. The Hoot (Screech) owls kept me awake quite a bit and basically I lay awake listen to all the wonderful night sounds, thinking of how alive the forest was all around. I began to feel smaller and smaller. I WAS SURROUNDED!
The next day, we woke early on for a bike ride to Lake Isabel. It was a 3 mile trip, made a LOT more exciting by a wild boar dashing across our path. She either didn't like us or she was in a big hurry to get someplace. The only time I have ever seen a boar up close was Kochi. We were traveling the mountain road between Kochi and Matsuyama and stopped at a Sport Shop for food. They had cages of wild boars that men could come and buy. Then the boar would be turned loose and they would hunt them. I thought that was terrible sportsmanship but Japanese are always in such a hurry and so efficient.
The lake itself was small. It is actually a bog lake, surrounded by Bald Cypress trees. It was actually the most beautiful lake I have ever seen and so clean. We laid on the dock and watched the fish. I am sure there was lots of wildlife there but they were hiding, all except the swamp rabbit. which wouldn't go away.
We took a walk around and I was surprised as the area had suffered a firs and the trees had burn marks around the bottom. They all still lived though. There were also woodedn troughs discarded which looked remarkably like the gold sluices I would run across on the Yuba river. I am sure there wasn't gold in the bog. Anyway it was a mystery. I am sure it has a history.
Since I had the small city bike, I barely made it back. I felt every bump. I am thinking I need a Mountain Bike- granny style.
Anyone up for camping? I have a year's membership at the Wilderness park and can take 3 extra people!
Posted by Claire 2 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
PS to Spider lillies
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Spider lillies
I have always had these beautiful red spider lillies in my garden every year. We just have a few days left before we turn in the keys to our old place. I was down on my hands and knees the other day, looking to see if there were any signs of lillies. There was not. I had seen some blooming down at the Arboretum just a few miles away so I figured we just missed them for some reason this year. I had just wanted them to bloom one more time. It has been 2 weeks since I saw the ones at the Arboretum.
Well, this morning as I returned to the old house to get a few more things we left behind, I was greeted by a whole bed of lillies. Goodness, where did they come from so quickly? God does such sweet little things for us to cheer us up and make our lives richer.
Well, I am heading back to the old place with a shovel tomorrow and the lillies will be moving with me too.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Ah.....changes galore!
Right about now, I could be sitting on a nice soft carpet before a roaring fire- probably either in Northern Italy or the Swiss Alps. Let me pinpoint that to either Asiago in Italy or Chamonix in France. A good book would be great and of course, plenty of hot chocolate. Snow falling outside would be a great touch. If these moments were as easy to order up as food on a menu.
Anyway, the good news is that I am sitting on a couch right next to a fireplace. I hear it is the gas type and I haven't checked it out to see if it already has one of those logs that never need to be replenished. I will miss the real fires but I will not miss my episodes of getting the logs squeezed into the fire place. Too often last year, my feeble efforts resulted eventually in a warm house, complete with smoke and fire marks around the fireplace where they just should not have been. It was so cold last year. I could not stay warm without a fire.
Well this is my second night sleeping in a new place. I have many memories of the many homes I have lived in all my life. Each one had something special to enjoy and for me to develop warm fuzzy feelings about.
Everybody needs these kinds of places and a place to call home.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Moving Days
I am thrilled to be moving and to be surrounded by family. I still have things in the old house, including me, but hopefully we will be moved this week. It seems we do move now about every 8 years. I will miss this place and all the beauty of it. I just wish the house wasn't falling apart. Old houses just need so much care at every turn. I was outside today disassembling my dog kennel. I had forgotten how well I had assembled it in the beginning. did a great job on the pavestones.
Valorie is still in the hospital. It is great to have them all closer so I can help with the kids. I feel like a grandparent again. The last time I stood waiting for a school bus was when I was in High School. Yes, that was the 60's. Hopefully Valorie will be home soon but she is in good hands there at Texas Children's Hospital.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Movin' and swimming
When it rains it really rains!
We got about 6 inches today and I had to get out my Wellingtons to negotiate the yard. This reminded me of a Hurricane but it was just the rain side of a tropical depression named Hermoine or something unusual like that.
We are still busy packing and should be moved soon. Funny thing is, we moved into this place right after Tropical Storm Allison. It really flooded Houston. Now we are moving out on the heels of a storm. Well, it really isn't unusual for Houston.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Teri is almost all set for her Chemistry class in the Woodlands. That makes 4 classes. Thank God 2 of them are in the same direction. She has a tough year this year with Algebra 2.. I think she will find her dog training relaxing. I am learning to be more commanding and not such a push over. Tough one for me! I am hoping to take over more of the dog training so Teri can study. Ha Ha....I am glad it isn't me. How does my child have such a thirst for strange stuff like Chemistry?
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
It is 5 am and I can't sleep. I meander outside in the back yard and it's a beautiful night. I love the hours right before dawn. My friends, the racoons, are always prowling around the yard but as soon as they see me, they scurry a bit up the nearest tree and peek at me from their hiding place. They are so cute. I always search for the fireflies as when I see them, I figure all is well. These days when the house is full and the ambiance in the home is ambition and buzz, I find myself looking for a quiet place for thot gathering. and moments to just get quiet for a bit.. I am becoming climaized as I have been spending more time outdoors and it's not all that bad.
It is also very hard, sitting here wondering if we are "too move or not to move". I just have such a definite feeling that it is time for a new start. There are things that I love about where I am. I have grown attached to some of the neighbors as we have gone through some hard times together. Neil id undergoing Chemo a 2nd tme and Stan is forever entertaining with his stories of yesteryear. He looks especially exotic as he pulls weeds in his front lawn in a full bee keeper outfit. He hates mosquitos. Lawana is always fun to talk to and never seems to change. Most of our neighbors here are lonely old people, living alone. I hate to leave them.
I also love the huge trees all around and yet look forward to living in a place where I can rest in peace and not have flashbacks of a trees falling during a hurricane. Experiencing that felt a bit like a scene from Lord of the Rings with the huge trees coming alive and moving all around That part of the movie traumatized me a bit more that anything else and as I walk down the street here, I am in awe of the beauty of the trees but also walk carefully, knowing limbs fall all the time and at the first sound of a crack, I should RUN! I was watering a few days back when a large limb fell and crushed the neighbor's patio set just a ways away.
Well, back outside......I need to go check on my raccoon friends who are actually, most likely, raiding the garbage again.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My brother Mike
Mike came in last night from Yuba City. It is always a pleasure to meet him again as he is such a positive fellow. We went to a restaurant owned by the World Champion wrestler from years ago. I don't think I have ever eaten such good food.
My brother Mike is such an an encouragement in so many ways but I respect him so much for taking his troubles and making something out of his life. He was the youngest of 5 kids and as all babies that fall into last place, I remember him as being a bit pampered but having a great personality. I left home at 15 and he is 10 years younger than me so I didn't know him all that well.
During my visit home a while back, Mike told me about his High School experience. He never finished his Sophomore year as they booted him out of High school and sent him to this Alternative High school. He didn't make it there either. He said he just wasn't cut out to be a student. My dad took him under his wing and he just started going to work with my dad. It was his key. Mike now says he got his education from talk radio ( which my dad always listens to non stop). That had to be a Major in Civics! He learned all his Math on the "go". You can't do" flooring" without a lot of Math. He says he has a degree in SCS (school of common sense). He has become quite a successful businessman in his field and was in Houston for a conference. It is amazing the path the Lord took him on to be able to do the job that he loves. At the conferences, he says some of the meetings are actually like College courses anyhow.
His current schedule sounds a lot like mine, even the 5:30 thing. He has Boxers so we vary on that point.
Well, I had better get back to Lexi. I am playing the part of a Midwife today and there are 7 little Goldendoodles now. They are cream and light Golden. and so squeaky. She is doing great and always such a good mom.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Delightfully humourous day
It was a busy day but with my "summer of Grandchildren", my days have been so wonderfully full.. I find ways to stretch my time and try to be entertaining and creative while at the same time, keep up a busy work load. It is unusually enjoyable as I make myself do things I really want to do but never take time.
Today when Nadia left for the day, Jude sat on the lawn chair under my grape arbor while I helped Teri lather up Cheena for a bath. She has so much fur! . While we both got soaked in the process, Jude searched out and picked all my ripe grapes and kept handing them to me. He didn't like them himself but had a great time watching me enjoy the grapes he picked. It warmed my heart. When he smiles, his whole face gets into it.
Back in the house, I answered a phone call while Violet and Jude had a diaper tossing contest. They gleefully emptied the package everywhere in their bedroom. I went a got a large bag for them to get to work and clean up but Violet cried and said she didn't want to because it was an accident.
My beautiful white poodle Lexi. emptied the trash again in search of diapers "of the more serious kind". Her brown nose caused me to run for cover and Teri came to the rescue to wash dog #2.
Well, off to the pool for an afternoon of swimming. It was great until I noticed I had gotten in the water with my cell phone. We packed up quickly and rushed home to put the wet phone in a bag of rice to dry and got back to the pool 2 minutes late for Violet's swim class.
Well. where to now? Back home for a special Indian meal we were supposed to all enjoy together for Mercy's last nite here.
Guess what? She is taking off for a month to take care of her Grand kids.I'd like to think I was starting a fad. I think she is really glad to be taking off as Teri also just finished the top to her new snake habitat tonight. She was constructing a screen for an old aquarium. Tomorrow we are going to pick up Ebenezer, the baby Ball Python she won in a Pet shop drawing. I am not sure anyone is happy about this except Teri and Jude. Just think, I killed a Cooperhead last month. Anyway, yikes! Maybe Mercy needs help with her Grand kids in Dallas.
Well, my days are full. I actually just skimmed over the highlights.
I couldn't sleep so I put on a movie and watched Hachi and cried quite a bit at the end. I got up to get a kleenx and stepped on my schedules I had spread all over the floor. I had a sheet written out for each of the next 14 days and had organized them to study it all. I looked down and my foot was standing the the July 15th page and I froze in place. It all started coming back to me in a rush.
I had been trying so hard this year, not to forget. I had been planning a barbecue and had wanted to have a bit of a splash but this year but sad to say, our wedding anniversary didn't even make puddle status. When I worked up enough courage to look at the clock, I saw I had come close. I just missed our anniversary by an hour and 40 minutes. It could have been worse.
Well, I was sad at first but then I realized what a colorful day I had had and when all was said and done, it was a glorious day! There were no bad moments, only challenging ones that were fun to build on. I have not had my grandkids like this for years. Well, I just really do enjoy the little things in life. I almost woke up the sleeping man beside me to tell him we had forgotten but I didn't have the heart.
Now, I have a lot to look forward to though as since I remembered, I have time to plan something belatedly!
Just to mention also, Teri started an apprenticeship at a dog training school (once a week) and we are helping to run the Service Dog booth and Teri will be helping with demonstrations with the dogs. at the International Dog Show next weekend.. I have never been to a dog show but I am proud to be working with "working dogs" instead of just the showy beauty kings and queens. Hmmmm.....I am trying semi-faintly to hide my tendancey to be self righteous. Is it working?
Married......since 1973! Thank God for such a wonderful, spontaneous, kind, loyal, creative, brave, avant guarde, smart, hard working, handsome husband.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
More summer fun.
It has been wet this month. we have had almost 10 inches of rain and that is Harris county overall. Some places have had a lot more. It has kept us in a bit more. I t is very late here and I just poked my head outside for a breath of humidity. Ugh! It is 2 in the morning and it is so noisy. We live near a big hospital and the usual is sirens all night but tonight there are no sirens made by humans. Rain lovin' creatures get so vocal after a rain. It's quaint. I could have just jumped up on the trampoline and grabbed the telescope and star gazed all night, if it hadn't of been for the other happy creatures that loves rain- the bloodsuckers. The mosquitos are out in force.
Well, enuf of that. In spite of the knee deep mud, we went to Cypresswood Stables to work with the horses for a bit as Olivia has never worked around horses. A team had just gotten in from a 100 mile endurance race so there was a lot to do around the stable. Olivia and Teri cleaned out a barn on hands and knees. Lots of mud had to be cleaned up. After, they oiled the saddles and played with the 2 week old barn kittens as they did that. It's a lot of fun.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I have secret plans to arrange for Olivia to take a trail ride down by the creek. It will be a muddy affair as at one point,they cross the creek. I think she will be surprised and happy. Regretfully, she has to go home in just a few days. Summers are all about grandmas and their grandkids!
Oh,Violet had her first swimming lesson today and the first thing the teachers did was to trash her water wings! Yeah! She did great and was very brave. The teacher is very good, a young Mormon man raising his funds for his 2 year Mission. Teri and Jason's coach was also a Mormon and I do have to say, they are great swim teachers and coaches- real good with kids. Violet was just glowing the whole class- the perfect student!
Cheena graduated from her Intermediate Training class last night and will now go on the Canine Good Citizen and prepare for being involved in FAP Therapy work. Her trainer said she could already pass but we are taking it slow as she is too young. We are so proud of her and I am proud of Teri. She is still working with Allie, Our Service, and getting training with her Service dogs. Pray for Adam. He needs a job and is restless to get to work. He is so well trained and would make a great mobility dog. I love those poodle mixes. Allie had a little setback as she was bitten by a baby copperhead and while the EMT people were taking her to the truck, the mother snake struck out at them. They barely missed that attack. Allie is quite sick! That makes 2 of my friends that have been bitten in just a few weeks.. The hospitals say it is one of the worst years ever for snake bites so everyone be careful!. My dogs agree with that. The only one that hasn't been bitten is Wellington!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
our training days.....
We have our classes in the cow pasture. It's a lot of fun and exciting dodging cow patties too. The dogs are great. We loved out outing with them in Target. They are quite the shoppers and seem to love adding things to the basket on cue. They can even put them back in place if they change their mind. The Goldendoodle,Nicki, is bigger altho' younger than the Labradoodle, Adam. That makes cart pushing a bit easier. They know right and left and so impressed me.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
All in a day's work
laurieclaire@gmail.comIt is a bit of work to untie Teri's tennis shoe and take off the sock. Adam did great with Teri's shoe and even handed her back the sock- stinky as it was. That is real dedication. Actually, Adam is trained to help his owner get undressed but hasn't learned to fold the clothes. He's a trained Service dog, ready to go on to his new job but hasn't been placed yet. He's a Labradoodle. It was a lot of fun and just one of the exercises.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
She has been my constant companion since May 10. Her visit is drawing to a close and I am beginning to miss her and she hasn't gone yet.
We went to the beach today and it was great. We took a break from the fun in the sun, and had lunch at Yaga's in Galveston. We went there as we were fleeing the rainstorm .the story goes, we just laid out all our stuff on the beach and within about 10 minutes it was only too apparent that the sudden storm was going to be a big one. We packed up and went to visit Tim and then enjoy a relaxing lunch at Yaga's. I love the architecture of the old homes there. It is odd to see Galveston after Ike raged through. There are so many fantastic old houses there but it seems like so many did survive. I love those houses.Tim lives in one and the ceilings are so delightfully high- like in Iquique, Chile. It makes the house so cool. I did notice that Moody mansion survived the great Galveston Hurricane in theearly 1900's that really wiped out the city and got them all busy making the Sea wall. If it hadn't of been there, maybe Ike would have been just as bad.
Anyway, there are so many really wonderful and amazing things about Kiona. She is an artist with talent, a singer, a great poodle groomer, She loves to cook for others. I don't think that I have ever seen an 11 year old that loved to make salads like she does. She also reads all the labels on stuff. She especially picks out anything with corn syrup in it and cleaned my cabinets of anything containing that offending substance.
She got a haircut while here and made a pineapple upside down cake for Lolli. She loves Pizza and Sprite. She respects her moms caution about soft drinks however.
She is helping to train the dogs and my two poodles seem to have formed an attachment to her so that they seem to think she's cool.
She likes videos and to her Grandpa's delight, one of her favorites is The Ultimate Gift. She also loves Story Keepers, The life of Paul and the Story of John. She can watch Veggie Tales all day. She was sick for a few days and they kept her quiet in bed! She does think deeply about spiritual principles and has good training from her mom in dad.
She loves to swim as enjoyed Peach Creek as much as the Goldens do..
I am just so thankful they will be moving closer to us. With the way my Grandkids grow, if the visits are too far apart, I run the risk of not recognizing them. They grow so fast.
Maya and Tim, thanks for letting us have her for such a long visit! It has been a blessing. I am so sorry that she will arrive home tired and off schedule. I let her stay up way too late and I am sure you will hear about all my other grandmotherly lenient ways. Oh well, how can I help myself. You know the saying about old gray mares.... Oh right, she does want me to get busy and dye my hair. How about a new saying about the artificially brown mares?
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
Perla and a Happy BirthDay prayer....
I am so excited that she will be coming home soon. I love her visits and of course she has such a wonderful husband, Alex.
Her life has always been one filled with such drama. Maybe it is because the circumstances surrounding her birth were a bit more exciting than everyone else's. Who knows? I was just so nervous when the political situation suddenly worsened there in Chile and upgraded to State of Siege. I was not so courageous as to have a home delivery and no one was allowed out at night. Thankfully the white flag worked on our way to the hospital and we didn't get thrown in the police wagon and hauled off to detention. I would have made their life miserable if they tried. As it was. the hospital was not prepared for any deliveries that night and it was totally crazy anyhow. Somehow they seemed to be in a vacation mode or maybe they had staff in police detention.
All is well that ends well. She has never ceased to keep me in prayer since! I should study up on Gemini but I am afraid to as I might discover she is a double or triple Gemini.. Nothing would suprise me.
Perla, if I could think of second profession for you, maybe it would be "talk show host". You could give Oprah and Howard Stern a run for their money and be a lot more interesting and truthful..Mark could be a co-host and you two would make history. I think of you as having such a fun, diverse and interesting life but needing a thousand plus years to do all you would like and dream of doing. I pray your birthday is special and when you get home, we will doing something fun and unusual. Think about it!
White water rafting, deep sea fishing, alligator hunting, looking for lost treasure in the Piney woods, visiting Dollywood, getting a dog team and doing the Itarod race, knitting, exploring the Rock City of Petra, getting lost in Vienna for a week with an endless budget, going around the cape of Magellan in a Mutiny on the Bounty replica, visiting the catacombs with a jar full of a thousand fireflies, taking a trip to walk in the footsteps of David Livingston across Africa, studying penguins and the migration of Terns in Antartica and riding on Icebreakers.....
Well. take your pick or come up with something new. Anyway, when you get home, lets celebrate!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
Summer plans
Sounds like we're going to be having fun! Kiona, Jude and Violet are on their way.Yeah! This old homestead was seeming a bit too quiet. and the dpgs are getting fat and lazy with too few kids to play with them. I'd better finally invest in a new pair of running shoes. I have had the same pair for 5 years now.
We are planning to go camping too- as soon as we get back from up North. We are heading up near Dallas to pick up a new canidate for Puppy Training. This will be my project. Hopefully, I will do a good job with her. She will have a week or two before we start the official training program.
Oh my...
Summer here will be hopping to say the least. We need a bigger house sooner than later.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My left foot
I can't wait to get outside each morning. I just love the whole experience of wild growth that happens each Spring. Things grow so much from one day to the next and the plants are only too happy to oblige me. Something is always is bloom. They try real hard to keep my interest after the amazing show the Azaleas put on. They are crown stoppers. This morning I noticed the Honeysuckles Tim planted while he was on leave from Iraq. They didn't bloom the first year but they are now making our home entry not only smell good and look beautiful.but to get in, you have to brush them aside. Then our Jasmine is carpeting the backyard with beautiful white windmill flowers. The vines have traveled all the way up 2 trees, almost the full height. It goes way past out 2nd story. The trees are beautiful that way. God's timing is so tunes so there is something good just around the corner, delighting our senses..
Well, I have a problem. I think I have about 10 pairs of outside shoes. I think my shoe shelf is fairly well organized but apparently not. My dilemma is that I can never find the right shoe! This morning I had 5 left flip flops all lined up in a row and I was looking all around to find at least one right flip flop.. I was so anxious to get outside as Bella was bouncing on the trampoline again as we had left the chair too close. She just loves to sneak up. Anyway, why is it that I subconsciously always misplace the right foot. Any theories? Maybe my feet smell differently and my dog likes the taste of my right shoe better? Maybe, considering Bella's naughtiness, I'd better look under the trampoline for the right ones.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A day in my life.....keeping up with Teresa
I love walking in nature but it's just so hard around Houston. Stargazing isn't that much fun unless glowing orange is your favorite color and you like bright, noisy stars that move and land on a run way near by.
Anyway, we found a nature wilderness park not too far away and paid for a years membership. So far, it's great. We have a unspoken goal of walking every inch of it.
It really is quite pretty and very cool. The trails are amazing but just so winding. Last time we went, just the day before yesterday, we got lost. It wasn't really all that bad as we could still hear the planes overhead but I had such a profound sense of being lost. I think it caused me to get claustrophobic as the tree canopy was so dense. I had to really fight the panic for a bit. It was really quite silly but I realized how my life has gotten to the point that the way I live, contributed to my sense of panic.
Everything I am familiar with is about "control" and I was in a situation where I just didn't have control. I live a life of being informed about what's happening and being in charge somewhat. I had an appointment I was missing as well.
The creek was a comfort to me as I felt as long as we were near the creek, we had some sort of landmark. Besides that, the creek so aptly called Peach creek for it's beautiful clear peachy color, had a soothing effect. The color just felt safe.
The woods here can be a bit foreboding with the myriad of vines and they seem to move.We actually just walked past this big tree and were just a few feet away when if cracked in half and fell into the creek with quite a crescendo. So, not only the vines move!
Anyway, I experienced a bit of pride when I realized we had covered 6 miles of trials (trails) that day. Next time, I am thinking we will do the creek by canoe instead. The trails are actually a small part of the park. It is truely a Texas wilderness park.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Just thots!
I watched Barabas yesterday. It was made when I was just a baby and lots of people weren't even born yet.It was based on a novel and the author won the Nobel Peace prize for it. At first I was watching it all critically as things have gotten to a point nowdays that movie watching is right there and so realistic that it invades your brain space in every way.
I stopped and started over again after I vowed to see it from an unartistic standpoint. It was great. I remember it touched my heart so deeply when I was a kid. His conversion experience was beautiful.
Also, in my rebellious moments, I also watch foreign films instead of the stereotypes coming out of Hollywood. A German film I watched was quite beautiful on the point of sacrifice.
A young German soldier was sent to Siberia at the end of WWII. He was prisoner in a horrible freezing mining camp. The story follows his escape across 8,000 miles. The amazing thing was how he met people along the way that sacrificed their lives to help him get home. All the time he was pursued by the Commanding Officer from the prison. The ending is very interesting and had a lot of love in it. "As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me"
I am really amazed at how much is always happening all around us. God is working so incredibly in so many lives all at once. We see so little but our essence is such a series of daily miracles.
With all my commentary, you may wonder if I do much but watch old and foreign movies. Well, keep guessing. It's an interesting thought!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Birthday Violet!
Yes, it is another year! I have such fond memories of our time together when Mom and Dad were in Italy. Now, I just miss her so much.
Well, I look forward to pictures from you Nadia. You and Justin are such good parents. I was thinking of how times have changed and our kids get so much more time with their parents and so many cool opportunities. Big school days had their moments and bright spots....true. Times change and we all get going in news grooves and they are good. I am so thankful my grandkids have such good parents. Hey, does that mean we did ok too?
" Somewhere in our youthful parenthood, we must have done something gooooood."
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
new one coming-long term plans
The pups have all been great and I get such raving reviews on all my little graduates. Never the less, I am aiming for a calmer dog. The English Goldens are known for their more laid back temperment which in the long run may be a real help when it comes to training pups for service with Special Needs kids. I took the step of putting down a deposit on an English creme female pup. I have yet to come up with all the funds but I won't be getting her for another month or 6 weeks.
I haven't seen a good pic of her but the parents are beautiful.Goldendoodles are one of the top choices of service dog trainers now days but I am aiming for a high quality Doodle, This little guys are already impressive when it comes to a great blend of 2 wonderful breeds.
Thankfully, we are moving right along with the training we need to train the puppies so when we do get set up- we hopefully can just expand and not miss a step. It's fun, full of challenges and takes a lot of diligence to raise dogs "with a vision".
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hating to spend money on stuff?
With the recession and all, I know we all spend a bit less than we did before. I have found that I really check prices at the grocery store and I am so thankful for those Senior discounts. I just get all nervous when I get offered Senior discounts without asking. It's happening a bit more now days.
I just got to thinking about some of the things I bought in the past that were great buys and I really used the item. Then I got to thinking about the stuff I bought that just looked good and ended up either sitting on the shelf or being given away.
Well, my best buy ever was my little weather radio. We had news when no one else did! I have gotten so much use out of it. It even has a flashlight and a wind up feature. It had "cult" status during hurricane Ike. Now I can't find it and I am even considering a new one.
My computer has been great and of course my camera. My Standard poodles have been another great buy that was totally out of character for me at the time.
One of my most used possessions was a "hand me down". Peace, a Canadian friend, of mine gave me a red cloth carrier for my first baby way back in Sweden. I even graced the cover of a magazine as the concept was all so new there.. It was before the days of Baby Bjorn. It must have been one of the first. That little red carrier strapped on to either my front or back and I could carry my babies everywhere with ease and have both hands free. I used it for all 7 of my kids and a few of my Grandkids. I think it may be the one possession I had the longest before I gave it to my daughter. It had literally traveled to many countries and cities on most continents. It was the one thing I seldom left home without. Thanks Peace! She probably never knew the value of that gift.
Now for the worst ones. Well, there's too many to think of it right now- coming soon.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
And just WHO is Spring Break really for?
This will qualify under the heading of Dog News.
I am almost finished with finding my winter doodles all new homes. It was quite a feat as I had more puppies than usual. The saving factor was that they were all so "very "good. Before they were born, I wasted so much time, all those sleepless nights when I was trying to figure out what to do. Now, they are almost all gone and I just have Knight left. I have dubbed him "Good Night". As you imagine, he thrives on praise. I am really going to have a hard time letting him go.
Yeste€rday was a big day for me. Wellington was all "purdied up" as he was going to help with with a Grand Opening. of a Hair Salon. His job was to just look beautiful. He does look great when he gets a new hair cut and has his green bows in place. He is such a Gentleman.
Anyway, before leaving for that, I had someone scheduled to pick up a little girl Gooldendoole first. She was to be a surprise for a 8 yr. old boy and his 9 yr. old sister. I really wanted the day to be special for them. It turned out to be a cold and rainy day but other than that, everything seemed on course.
I really didn't have time to clean the house very well before they came. I really should have scheduled them later for the morning. That's a lesson for next time. Anyway, the whole extended family showed up- a Norwegian family. For some reason, this last week has been my worst week ever with the dogs. I tried to blame it on the weather but I really don't know the reason.
I had brought in Wellington to see them as I wanted to put my "best paw" forward . He does look beautiful when he's all groomed . Well, he starts off by peeing on the floor in front of them. I clean that up but they ooh and ahh over him and then he exits and I bring in the big surprise, Ginger Darling. She is such a beautiful little Doodle and I was sure they would love her. The little girl takes her on her lap and I turn for a split second to get something and hear-"Mommy, she peed on me! " Oh my, I had just taken her for a potty break and didn't expect that! I got that all cleaned up and it finally registered with the kids that this was really their pup. They were all into getting all the details. Then the dad asked to see the mom of the litter. I really was hoping they wouldn't as Bella just loves people but it takes her a few minutes to settle down and she appears too hyper at first meeting. She is in training so I did have hopes she would possibly be good. Well, I went to bring her in and she went into her gyrations of greetings, sat down on the floor and went pee! Ok, that was "3 strikes and you're out!". By this time, I was getting really nervous. So, out she went and I settled down to give them their paperwork when the boy exclaimed "look mommie" I was afraid to look and justifiably so. Sedric was in the backyard jumping on the trampoline in the rain. Now, if you have never seen a 65 pound Golden Retriever jumping on a trampoline, you have missed something. I just don't get why he does this! Anyway, the boy runs to the door and opens our back door and muddy Sedric bounds into the house to greet all the visitors, dressed in their Sunday best. When all calms down, I say with gladness,"he is NOT the father of this litter". They had all met Gentleman Wellington already so I had high hopes that that meeting blocked out all of Sedrics antics in the rain. Ugh! Why didn't I put him away? The morning was a comedy of errors. Occasionally with the dogs, everything goes all wrong at once! When they finally left, I just cried and couldn't believe how crazy everything went. Because it was a surprise, I wanted it to go so well but in my eyes, it was one big disaster. Humorously thinking, is it just that all my dogs are rebelling and joining in on the spirit if Spring Break? We live a bit too close to Padre Island.
Well, to redeem everything, a couple called later in the day and came at five to see one of my little boy Doodles. They were to have been sold to a Intern in NY but I stopped shipping puppies and his cousin had to return home suddenly and the sale fell through. I only sell puppies out of state if they come to pick up the puppies. Jenn fell in love with the pups and wanted one but her only problem was the price. Then they asked the dreaded question," can we meet the parents'.I was quiet for a moment and then muttered "ok".
Are you wondering what comes next?
Well, I brought in Wellington first and it was a "no pee" meeting. He had just come back from his job at the Grand Opening of Golden Hands Hair Salon and he just did everything right. Jenn's roommate was so impressed.. I was praying they would forget all about asking to see Bella but they didn't. They asked to see the mom. So I slowly left to go get her, trembling in my sandals as I really hadn't recovered from the morning fiasco.
Bella put on her usual "wow, I can't wait to lick you to death" act. She was happily overwhelming and then settled down with such an angelic pose.
To make a long story short, Jenn had phoned another place earlier in the day that had offered doodles at half my price. She was thinking of going there to see them first before making a decision.
Then I just sat back and watched with relief and satisfaction as I listened to them talk with each other. "This puppy is obviously a great dog and you I can't imagine there are better parents out there. The parents are great, beautiful and such quality dogs! The other pups couldn't possibly be better than this. etc." "It's definitely worth the extra".
I was quietly glowing with pride and then they made the decision to take home Benji! I know they won't be disappointed. Anyhow, I went from a discouraging low in the morning, to a jubilant high in the evening and all the dogs got treats.
Today I have a family coming with a very handicapped child. This is really my passion, to pair up great puppies with great kids. Prayerfully, this is a dream to build on. As you see, it has it's moments!
These pictures are of Gus- currently on SPRING BREAK!
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
I have gotten really attached to College Station. We got lost on our last trip there and the campus appears to be most of the town! Their stadium is called Kyle stadium and it defies imagination (mine at least). The elevators are a bit unique an a bit more fun than the usual. As soon as you step in, you are greeted by a voice that says sweetly- "Howdy"
Well, our cars and everything else, are all covered in yellow dust. Don't stand in one place too long or you'll turn into a pillar of pollen. Looking up at the trees, you know it is only a matter of a few short days before we are covered by a canopy of green again. I do hear we are expecting a rather active hurricane season. Ugh!
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
It's so Big!
Texas A/M is so huge!We went a different way and instead of seeing the "M' side where the future officers were all doing things in the fields, we saw the massive stadium and them some theatrical events were going on. It is so strange to be on a campus after all these years. My spirit is still me and the strange thing is that I felt like I fit in, in a way. In reality, what the other students saw looked more like 2 older parents escorting their daughter to class. I don't think we could pass for professors either.
The students at the Service Dog training seem to really like us there. I think we break the monotony- especially when my dear husband, who had brought in a forbidden soft drink, tried to take a sip and spilled it all over the carpet. It was clandestine no longer.
Mollie was still the only dog attending. She is only 11 months old and doing great. She is still quite young but has her vest privileges. Tonight they mainly discussed their rules for service dogs. It is quite strict.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
a bit of saddness
He was a bit of a tease however and he would get on the dogs nerves. He would pretend he was trying to take away their toys when they were in the kennel and he was out. He went right up to them. He didn't really have much fear but they did give him space.
Right now the cage looks so empty. and the little box on top with him inside still needs to be taken out and buried under the banana tree. Maybe first thing tomorrow.
Posted by Claire 1 comments