Still, we just had to have a birthday party for Allen. His ice cream all melted but he sure had fun anyhow and is now 3!

These houses were all on our street.

Well, I will break my silence. It has just been a bit crazy in Houston. Ike barreled through town, and left us a lot to do. It's path came right up the 45 corridor IKE kept his eye on us a bit. It did get calm after a bunch of big trees blew down. Then it all started up again. Somehow, we were brave enough to take a peek outside to see what was going on and then got everyone to come downstairs in case more trees came down. All, in all, a lot of folks had it a lot worse than us. All over this part of Texas, we lost a lot of really old trees.Our cars were parked in the cul-du-sac and the trees not only just barely missed our house but our cars too!
We went 2 weeks without electricity and phone service. It was funny just being outta touch but it was great- getting more time to help our neighbors and live the simple life. When the lights came on, we had a bit of adjusting to do. I still headed to bed at dusk for a while and kept on drinking soy milk and crackers. Count your blessing.
Are any of these trees on your house? Kiona
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