Maya , Georgia and Valorie dropped by for a weeks visit. Hurricane Gustav's threats shortened their visit however. What a price to pay to stay in Houston. UGH! Hurricanes have very little respect. Well, we did get missed once again. For some reason, the bad weather seems to aim for New Orleans. So sorry for the Louisiana folks tho'. Speaking of paying a price, they sure pay a hefty one for living in the Big Easy that in reality- isn't all that easy.
We had a great visit and the girls are so vivacious and fun. we visited just abiyt everybody we could think of and then some. Sheba deceided to bless us with 5 goldendoodle pups. We are now raising hybird dogs!
The kids love life! and we had miles of giggles, smiles and happy times in those few short days. I was struggling with a summer cold so they did a bit of sacrificing by hugging and putting up with my sniffles. It sounded like Valorie and her grandma "me" were in a continual coughing contest.
Well. all good things do have to end and they finally located a few horses they felt good about, saddled up and rode off into the sunset. Missouri has quite an influence on folks. Bye kids!!! Bye Maya!!!! sniff.....sniff..... when you are a grandma,a never ending supply of tissues is a plus.
Thank God that most of my tears are tears of joy tho'. I heard you all arrived home safely- don't forget to return the horses soon. OK?
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