Monday, December 17, 2012

Looking for Santa

Everyone in the household is on high alert. The pile of presents under the tree is growing daily and so far Zane hasn't been able to catch the person putting them there. Zane is convinced that Santa sneaks in nightly and if he keeps guard, he will eventually catch him. Some watch dog!
So, the topic of gifts! What to get, how to get them, who to get them for and last of all....what am I getting? I was watching my daughter fret over gift for the kids. her 4 yr' old wants a real space ship and a space elevator. Try and get that up the chimney dear Santa. My daughter's  6 year old daughter wants art stuff and World Peace.
Favorite Aunts are plotting just how to tickle the kids pink with lots of goodies and the UPS truck has graced our door with frequent visits.
How to find the balance? How to instill in the kids a sense of values and thankfulness and concern for the needy?
Give the gift of time. It can be the hardest to give. It can be painful if it's a muscle never used. Get down on the floor and read a book with your child and listen, listen. listen. No matter how small, kids need someone to talk to that doesn't come framed in plastic. They need someone to listen to them even if their words don't make sense. Give the gift of love, companionship and attentiveness. We all want to share who we are.
And in giving....we shall receive.
Merry Christmas 2012  from Laurie Claire Wells

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Random Texas Pictures

This was a friendly ribbon snake at Lake Houston Wilderness Park. This was the day we forgot our map and were totally lost for 3 hours..

Here are just a few pictures of Texas beauty
Laurie Claire Wells  2011-2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Texas Renaissance Festival 2012

Pics by Teresa Wells and Laurie Glines Wells Nov.2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012


I admire all the people that are attempting school at the moment. Since I have been taking my daughter to college everyday this last year and a half, I have gotten to know some of the students and what they are up against. I was initially shocked by how many people are going BACK to school. I felt odd at first and thought that surely everyone must be staring an me as I walked across campus but then it became obvious that I wasn't such a novelty at all.
So, I have to say I admire the students that are right now cramming to take the semester's finals. young and senior. Seeing the atrange places my daughter studies in, I have to laugh but to some of these people that are older and managing to attend school, work and juggle a family, I just think they are the greatest and I pray they reach their goals....and get good grades!
Well, let's all try and take time to enjoy Christmas in spite of finals and busy schedules. Let's have love, compassion and understanding for each other and  share each others burdens in any small way we can. One small act of kindness can just make the difference!

Christmas 2012 Laurie Claire Wells in Texas.
PS Oh, by the way, it feels like summer here....where's the white Christmas? We are all still in shorts!