Friday, February 26, 2010

One last picture. He seemed to love facebook.

a bit of saddness

Bella got past me today and ran into the room and came out with Crackers. He didn't survive long after we got him out of her mouth. He was such a good buddy and brought a lot of cheer with his beautiful songs he kept picking up from the local wild birds. He was a friend. He would fly down to sit right next to me a lot. He especially loved seeing what was going on with the computer. I used to put on slide shows for him of all different kinds of birds. He loved music.
He was a bit of a tease however and he would get on the dogs nerves. He would pretend he was trying to take away their toys when they were in the kennel and he was out. He went right up to them. He didn't really have much fear but they did give him space.
Right now the cage looks so empty. and the little box on top with him inside still needs to be taken out and buried under the banana tree. Maybe first thing tomorrow.

Guess who's here?

Faces are hidden, to protect the identity....ha ha.

Can you imagine?

Well, life is such fun and it's always good to have a laugh at yourself! Since I have been meeting with families and arranging for new homes for these wonderful Goldendoodles, I have found new and inventive ways to survive the ordeal of raising them as well as making the little guys look good. They are already such great little fur balls but I want to really add a lot of dash!
Well, everyone that comes always wants to meet the parents. That's fine. For the first people, I tried having Teri bring the parent dogs in on a leash but Lexi and Sedric weren't all that natural and a bit shy on a leash. I hatched a new plan. I would just open the door and then them come in on their own. It worked wonderfully and they were so well behaved and would come in and meet everyone (they were always so awed by them too) and they would play with their pups a bit and head back outside. That way, the people met the parents and were assured that the ball of fluff really was going to grow up to  be a good dog. I was proud of myself for the new idea and everything was going great. Sedric and Lexi were impressive. Soon  all the puppies from the first litter were spoken for and Bella' and Wellington's litter was my next project. There are only 2 weeks between to two and I had 8 more  cuties to find homes for.
SO, I got a call and invited the young couple to drop by and see the pups. The night before I had come down with a horrible cold so I had someone get me some cold tablets- mild so I wouldn't get goofy. I try so hard to be professional or at least as much as I can be.
Didn't work!
The next morning, the couple ( newlyweds) arrived and I had the puppies all brushed, perfumed and well fed. They were stellar and so cute in their little play area. The couple picked out their puppy. Then, I asked if they would like to see the parents. I was feeling all smug as this was always the clincher. I opened the outside door to let in Lexi and Sedric and as always, they came in so politely and were so overwhelmingly good. Lexi even jumped in the play area and started nursing all the puppies and the scene looked so picture perfect. They are the ideal parents.
Then I realized something was horribly out of order. "Oops, I apologized- these are the wrong parents". Can I blame that awful cold medicine! My face turned beat red and then I just had to have a good laugh at myself. We ushered Sedric and Lexi out and the real mom was then brought in and introduced. Well, how goofy can I get?
The girl tried to help me "save face". "well, she said, you can really see that all your dogs have wonderful temperaments.- that's great. They are all so good with each other". Well, that's true but how could I make such a big mistake! At least I can keep everyone laughing and feeling good about themselves that they don't do such things! Just wait....

Well, the newlyweds were in love and can you guess which pup they took home? Why Romeo of course.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Who said Facebook is for the birds???? Of course it is!

Crackers always wanted a Facebook page so I finally relented and let him share mine. To my dismay, he tried to completely take over. Everyone always says he's quite social. He's gotten in to tweeting a lot more lately.

the wonderful art of Grandparenting and hearing aids

I am worried that I might be a little rusty. Deren will be here in a few days and it's been so long since I have seen him. We were so close before. Thinking about it a bit more, I don't really see any of my grandkids all that often. I always thought that I had had a lot of kids, that would guarantee that I always had a lot of Grandkids around. Raising my kids was so much fun, that when I thought about when they would be gone, I  couldn't see that in my future. It seemed we always had to be together. Well, it didn't work like that really. The 4 corners of the world have claimed my grandkids.
Well, Deren is coming and we can do a lot of stuff together. Allen and Serena have been lifesavers though. It has been such a wonderful experience too have them and see them grow and change. They too are my grandkids! Where would we be without kids?
I have to go, I have to dust off my rollerblades and practice my Wii boxing skills. Oops, can't forget to practice just a few kids computer games. Normally they give me nightmares. I have been buzzing around the library, looking for kids books. My puppies are all psyched up to get petted a lot. I am thinking about fun foods to eat instead of vegetable soups, tofu and boiled stuff. I feel like I could just stand on my head and everything would turn out better.
Maya called today and put Georgia on the phone. I really couldn't understand anything she was saying  more than IHOP and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Has Maya stopped cooking? Georgia  talks real clear, I just can't understand. Maya, feed that kids some boiled vegetables!
Arwen is still sick. She has a cough that won't go away. Her Grandpa says she love to fly airplanes (some computer stuff.) loves Google earth and of course, her smile melts all the ice in Romania.

And another thing, nobody around here hears me anymore. I find I am talking louder, walking right up to people and looking them in the eyes and talking, and generally frustrated. How could my already irritatingly soft voice be getting softer?
Zing! Today I realized maybe it wasn't me after all. The young people always have their headphones on. Jason is always listening to Keith Urban nowdays- especially some song about- "You'll be thinking about me" or something like that. He has even developed a country swagger and tosses his head a bit like Keith while he chews on a piece of straw. Well, I always have to repeat myself about three times when I talk to Jason, wave my arms, occasionally do a little jig, which gets a"awwww. mom " response. My last resort is that I give him a kick. Teri is another headphone basket case. She buys a new pair about every week and she finds every artsy song she can. The more off beat, the better. She loves bagpipes, singing crickets, humming electricity lines and  the guy who makes beautiful music with crystal water glasses, and plastic combs with waxed paper. By the way, that is only a partial list.
 She really doesn't hear me at all most of the time.
Now, my husband. He really isn't getting hard of hearing either. It is just that he always has so much information overload that his" In Box" is full and I have to "try again later". His hearing does get better if you ask him a few key questions like "what is happening with health care?, did they find Obama's health certificate yet?, do you thing Sara Palin is going to run?, How's Rush doing? I think your phone is ringing, Can you buy me a new radio?....or better yet, can I buy you a new radio? ( Oh, I hope he doesn't read this post.).  I better quit while I am ahead.
Anyway, that is my idea of-"where has all the hearing gone.....long time passing".
Well, you can see how badly I need kids around to actually listen to me! Someone must! Deren, come quickly!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


o the  Head of the  Seeing Eye Training Dept. came down to Houston to check out my pups. She was actually quite young. I had been expecting someone in their 40's or 50's. She took one look at the pups and reached down and picked up Jet, saying, I think this is the one. She said it often happens that they can tell at first glance.. She went ahead and tested them all but Jet got the highest score. He was great in going after the keys and finding his way out from under the blanket. It was quite a fun test. Natalie said that the majority of service dogs are male. They just get higher scores.
So Jet will soon be attending Texas AandM.. We are invited up to see the classes so we are looking forward to that too. They have 5 dogs currently in training- 2 labradoodles, a Goldendoodle, a retriever and a shepherd of some sort. She explained that the dogs have to be so well trained that they won't react to a lot of stuff- like getting their tail run over by a grocery cart. Ouch! I asked her how they trained for that. I will tell you at another time- to keep your interest piqued.

Anyway, Jet will be looking after an Autistic child. Pray he does well so he won't have to have a" career change.".

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Titus- a model son

He is every mother's dream son. Now, I could tell you stories that could verify that. I have plenty tucked away in my memory bank. Anybody want to hear a few? If so, send me a note and I will obligue. In this era of media glut, the art of storytelling is on the wane and awaiting a revival. Someday we will all revert bact to things with the personel touch.

Anyway, I do miss having everyone closer. It just seems like we should be having a cake. steak or a night out at the Black-Eyed-Pea or the museum perhaps? Ha ha, has been so long since Titus has been home, you can see what has happened to all the guests!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall....who is the fairest of them all?

So much for having a bad hair day- it's the ears that count!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ah....sweet spring. Where art thou?

I have experienced a bleakness I have not known in Houston to date. For years the tropical vegetation has just grown and grown. This January's three day freeze changed the landscape and so many things are just brown and ugly. I haven't even gone out to clip away all the dead leaves from the giant  Philadendron. They were 8 feet tall!
So, the good part is that I am really looking forward to spring like never before. I already have my  seed packs of Basil and this year I am planning on planting it everywhere. This place is really going to smell good! We had lots of it last year but I am planning on going way overboard. The fun part of gardening is that you can always try new things and to make it more interesting. Our botanist and scientists are always coming up with cool and interesting varieties and plants that are doing amazing things.  George Washington Carver is one of my heroes. I am just waiting for the wise guy who injects plants with human DNA. That ought to be fun. We might have talking plants, plants that enjoy doing things we do, like aerobics and body building,  boating and archery,cooking, studying. etc. I can see plants getting more creative and ambitious. Maybe it really isn't all that wierd as our present generation of kids is being indoctrinated by spiritual veggies in Veggie Tales.

Oops- I think I remember a Twilight Zone about this topic. The veggies stage a "take over"!!!!
Oh well, I had just better concentrate on getting my little pots ready to start the seedlings and not worry about the future of plants. I just know they are going to enjoy spring this year.

Oh, I forgot about Groundhog Day. No matter what Phil had to say, our local Squirrel, Pete, said" Spring isn't that far away". Here in Texas we don't really care what Phil has to say. He has retained a lot of Yankee influence from the old days.  Besides, he won't disclose his birth certificate either. We trust Pete. Squirrels rule! let's talk about Squirrels injected with human DNA!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Prince is gone. From the beginning we knew he couldn't stay. It was just that hoped by some quirk of fate, he could. Well, he has gone on to grace the hearth of another home and will be missed. He was truly a Golden boy. That has happened and then, on a greater scale, there are so many others we know on the move!  Pets are on thing but it is not so easy when dear human friends take off. Granted, it is easier in these days of Facebook and Blogging. Seeing videos of the wonderful progress of the up and coming generations - "grandkids"-makes it easier. Friends seem to not stay in contact as much as I would like. I still have this dream of living all together with everyone I ever knew and loved. Maybe that is what earth is all about. When my loved ones start shuttling off to other planetary locations- Pandora?- I may be a bit more concerned. Earth really isn't all that big.. Right?