Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good News from Kansas City

I always love good news. I just heard that Valorie has had some movement of the MOST important kind. I think everyone is cheering and very relieved. The situation was getting tense. She is such a little girl to be having such big problems. Evidently, she still has a ways to go but thank God for progress!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


We have all been praying for Valorie. She has been in the hospital 5 days and her situation hasn't changed.. From what I understand, the doctors  have been trying things but to no avail and her intestines are still not functioning. Tonight, the hospital in Kansas City is sending a helicopter to pick up Valorie and her dad and fly them in where she can see her doctor and be in the hospital there. He is a specialist with Cystic Fibrosis kids and we all feel a lot more peace about that. Infections can escalate so quickly and life with CF is a whole new ballgame. Her doctors keep putting her on new antibiotics as she grows immune to the ones she takes. She is exhausting the researchers. Please remember her in your prayers. I talked to her on the phone and she was cheery but a bit nervous about all the tests and probing and her little tummy is big and hard. Prayers changes things!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I blinked

It was an all nighter last night. I  put on a movie last night (lawyer- my favorite) I always like to see the little guy win. Anyway, I was keeping an eye on Lexi but dozed off a short time. About 5am or so, I finally started my cleanup process and disinfecting the whelping box, changing bedding etc. It takes about an hour. When I started to move the pups, I took a head count and noticed 2 too many. Oops, I must have nodded off just a tad too long. So, that makes 9...right?

So, I finish my cleanup, made a strong pot of coffee and hauled in some logs to start a roaring fire in the fireplace. The morning was a bit slow from then on. I had to comfort the  new dad as he had rushed in about 2am, right in the middle of No. 5's entry into the world. It was a huge oversight as someone was just moving him into his crate in the house and he just had to zip off in the opposite direction to check out all the excitement in my room. Maybe it was because he had frost bite on his tail. He was supposed to be getting some zzzzzzz but created a big stir instead. So, I had a bit of explaining to do. He always looks like he understands.
Anyway, after the morning buzz. I went to check out Lexi and just happened to see another little boy falling down to the blanket, head first. What a dramatic entry. I couldn't see if it was a boy but knew it had to be. Woah....that makes 10. We decided to name him TenTen. He was born, five hours later than anyone else- at ten minutes after ten. And, he was #10.

For all you Goldendoodle Lovers....

My unofficial guardian when I was a little curious kid, was a shaggy dog named Sadie. I remember using her as a pillow more days than not. I practically lived under the willow tree in our front yard and never tired of making willow crowns and napping of course. She faithfully stood guard between me and the street and I am sure kept me out of all kinds of trouble.
As a result, I have always wanted an Old English Sheepdog. A Goldendoodle just has to be the closest thing to one. In spite of appearance, I just can't imagine them really taking the sheep herding business serious however. They are just really great pets and now I have PLENTY!
Well, it is 3am Jan.6th and we now have a beautiful litter of 7 Goldendoodles- all white. Deliveries take all night! They are all white but a  few have chocolate tips on the ears, The Dad is from White English  Golden Retriever stock and Lexi is from the Majestic Poodle line of show Standards. I think they will be great pups.I will post pics ASAP. First they will all get weighed. They are so tiny (at least for the first few days).

Friday, January 1, 2010


While listening to all the discussion about our current president's actual birthplace and what it means to be "natural born", we began to wonder just what it means to be a "natural born American".

Teresa piped up in dismay "So, that means I don't have a chance at running for President after all.?"

Granted, she is a citizen of American parents but not born on " natural" American soil. She might secretly owe allegiance to Italy and harbor Renaissance thought patterns. Maybe there was "something in the water".

Just what did our forefathers mean by putting this in writing? Can she actually run or no? She's been studying pretty hard and has a lot of interesting new ideas.

 And, we used to listen to "talk radio!".