Well, they both hit milestones this month. It's funny how it happened that Teresa turned 16 and today- Jason is 21.
I feel a certain measure of relief and pride- in a motherly sort of way. Only moms really understand.
When I tell people I have raised 7 children (after being asked if Teri is my only Grandchild) they don't know what to say right off. Now days it really isn't the politically correct thing to have such a large family. Sometimes I imagine their real thoughts but they always try to come back with something nice. I may not be in step with the times but when I look at all 7, I am just amazed at the people they have become. When I first started out on the "mom journey" I was very scared, uninformed and baffled about just about every step of the way.
I had been voted the "most unlikely to have kids" back in High School. People used to come up with all kinds of crazy predictions for the High School Yearbooks and I had a few interesting labels I don't want to repeat.
Anyway kids- face the facts- you really do have a MOM that somehow pulled it all off and here you are. I know sometimes you must wonder at some of the crazy things that happened along the way.
It is true that you were not raised in Pleasantville but is it safe to say there have been many colors and hues of all sort in your lives? To me it seems like such a unusually interesting and beautiful living picture.
Years back, in ancient times, when I was planting my little gardens, raising sheep and chickens, riding horses and later on- teaching school, I never thought my life would be so alive and colorful. I was actually afraid it was going to be a dull life. I got scared thinking of eternity and wondering what we could possibly do forever. Everyday just seemed to happen without much variation.
Well, you all changed that- of course with a lot of the Lord thrown in and a Dad that could never sit still for five minutes. As the Texans say- he always acted like he had a hornet in his cowboy hat! Some how, "bee in his bonnet didn't seem to fit".
So. to my August kids and all the rest, "Thanks for being such fun and great kids." May you have many more birthdays and a life full of as much of a wonderful time as you all gave me and more!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My 2 August children
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Lake Houston has it's charms, especially in the evening hours. It looks beautiful here but this was quite possibly the only place it didn't storm in Houston that evening. Most people had to brave it through torrential rains and high water to get to Noe and Mary's lake house. They hosted the barbeque and made it all so beautiful for Teresa's special evening.
These are random pics taken throughout the evening- not in any special order, The food was great and the cakes were beautiful (made by the birthday girl). As a Julia Child class cook, she trusted no one else to make her cakes.The band put on a great set. They are actually playing for a Radio Station tonight Aug.23rd and the party was a practice test. A success!
Teri had planned a dance contest and these judges were quite good at choosing. It was a close call. Lollie and Andy came in first with Teri and Shawn 2nd. Perla and her partner had the floor smoking but still came in 3rd!
Teri on the pier....
Jason did the MC duties and looked and acted very much the part.
Amber and Teresa.
The dance winners! They won a barbecue dinner for 2 at a local reataurant that has been in business since 1857. It is quite a bit of history and a real authentic Texas piece of history. Just pull right up and hitch your horse to the post!
Lolli actually played the drums in a band for years. By the look on her face. it must have been her passion.
Shawn and Teresa set a record of making up their own steps. That has got to be youthful "out of the Box" thinking.
No explanation will be given on this one.
Perla spent 3 hours on Teri's hair. Now, she is saying what?????
Andy is the 16 and the son of one of our closest friends here in Houston. He was officially Teresa's escort for the evening but being as we aren't Latin we didn't really know how the party was supposed to go so he just filled in for pictures. Teri wanted to pattern her party after a Quincenera and dub it a Sixteenera. I don't know how close we came but it sure was a lot of fun.
Flowers from her Dad.
A brother to watch over her....
And a short time of thanksgiving and prayer.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Algebra loses
I made a mistake. Teresa just informed me that the Grammar Guy was her favorite. Algebra had to settle for second place. If any one wants, I do have a class of his. I could make you a copy.
Algebra IS fun!
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Homeschooling in Houston and A Convention Texas Style!
It was an interesting event to say the least. I went to the same Convention 4 years back and I guess the first thing that stood out to me was how many more people are now homeschooling. The 2nd thing was how many of them were dads! So here you can see two homeschooling dads here in Houston. I am so proud of them!
The governor opened the meetings and explained all he has done to help us here. He actually just vetoed a bill that some opponents of HS slipped past. It had been passed by the House and the Senate. The bill was not all that bad but opponets of Homeschooling had slipped in something that would have seriously affected our freedoms- hoping no one would notice. It was noticed and so many people wrote, called and emailed that he vetoed the entire bill. God bless him for doing the right thing.
We were right up there in the fourth row for his opening address. Now, any Californians reading this may wish Perry was their Governor and not Arnie. Sorry.....you might want to consider moving.Here is an enthusiastic attendee on the first day. They made him put the sign back or pay a photo op fee...Ha! Actually this Grandaddy homeschooling dad (everybody say Amen!) called off all his appointments and attended all 3 days. His favorite speaker was the WHY GUY ( Tom Clark- the Algebra whiz.) Tom was Teresa's favorite speaker too He makes Algebra understandable and FUN!. In fact Teresa wanted to sit in the front row-with me- and took notes! A enthusiastic teacher makes all the difference. We visited with him afterwards. Teresa was a rare attendee. She was in the classes, right up front , impressing the speakers. She attended a few classes on her own while we were in another.The rest of the teens were involved in the organization of things, helping with the kids program and passing out handouts etc. but I am so glad she attended the classes. In truth, she was the main reason I attended!
Brian (Brain on his nametag) was great. He is a Grammarian and had a program called Write at Home.He had a small hall but should of had a bigger one! Here Teresa is after class asking a question.
A bit lost. Don't worry. It all worked out. Right around the corner was the free coffee display and everyone perked up.Last day- just before the last class. Ah yes, I can say I was so happy to meet so many dedicated folks and see what's happening in their lives. Homeschooling has come a long ways. I guess one other thing that stood out to me, was how open the speakers were against the Public school system. When I attended in 2004, there was just one speaker that I noticed having such outspoken fervor. This time it was just about in every class. On top of that, so many of the people were educated speakers themselves. Well, I have a lot to think about but I am so thankful Teresa went and is sold out on continuing her Highschool at home. That alone made it worth it all. I have a lot to think about but I am so excited about Teresa's last 2 HS Years and thankfully- she is too!
Posted by Claire 1 comments