Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
More places to visit on our walk!
a child????and who might this be?
just a common weed but SO beautiful !
Tall trees always comfort me...........
This could be part of our adventure. We would offer the guide a cup of Starbucks somewhere and borrow the canoe.
I can actually climb that obstacle gracefully.
And of course- there is always the need to photograph everything....
Have a Great Birthday Nadia- until later in the day
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Nadia!

Posted by Claire 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Funny thing happened on the way to the theater.....
Well, I was on my way to enjoy a night of theater downtown. We had some friends that were going to meet us for this new play. We often get tickets for the first showing of new plays at this one semi-ritzy theater downtown. We have a friend that works there.
Anyhow, I was supposed to meet my husband there as our friends were actually his invitees.
Downtown was very busy between last minute people dropping off their taxes at the mobile station and the TAX TEA PARTY! I had heard of it but I didn't realize it was at the plaza right in front of the theater. The play was delayed a bit as it was really hard to negotiate traffic and find parking and the placards were a real obstacle course. I was standing on the front steps of the theater, listening to the party and watching all the people, police horses and kids. A guy on a Harley kept circling with a gigantic flag. It all looked like great fun and I found my self drawn to it all and contemplating dumping the whole play idea.
Imagine this. At 7:30, the Tea Party people started a protest march and my eyes were glued to the second row of marchers. Well, I no longer had to wonder why my husband didn't appear to be joining me at the theater. He had found a greater cause! I think he would have been in the front row if he could. He was happily yelling with everyone else.
Well, I had to take care of of guests so I had to resist joining in on all the fun. Lo and behold, my tickets were the 2nd row. We were practically sitting on the Actors laps. By the time we got out, after the play, all the protesters....and Jeff....were gone.
It's all in an evening's events!
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
New Hybird? and.... other dog news.
Hmmmm....I did hear Hybirds are supposed to be smarter, healthier and a bit more wiley.
" Ya ooooo......Come, I can't stand it in here, I wanna get out. I'm bored!!!!!"
"Streak, cut it out. That never works. Just sit back and look real lonely and sad. I'll tell ya, it works every time. Remember.....lonely look!"
Posted by Claire 2 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My last day off????
We were having a leisurely day in the park, playing Scrabble, when Teresa pulled out her secret weapon. First of all, she studies the Dictionary in her spare time. That is unfair in itself. Here she not only brought along her Scrabble word list and the terribly beat up Scrabble Dictionary, but she also printed out an enormous list of really wierd 2 and 3 letter words that supposedly were really words and acceptable to use in the game. Harrumph!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Just to introduce my team of farmers here- Selena (in charge of cherry tomatoes) The puppy is in charge of watering.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Brother-in laws both....
Tim is a busy guy now days. At Krogers, they like him enuf that they promoted him into managers's mode. He's doing that and putting in more hours as well as being successful with the books. He likes studying somewhat but with all that in his life, he doesn't have much time for friends. He appears to have taken up a new hobby, just collecting stray dogs. As you can see, he may be terminating this activity sometime in the near future. He is exhibiting signs of frustration.
He doesn't come up this way often but he came to have dinner with his brother-in-law James, and I tagged along. Texas Road house can be a lot of fun but after catching up with lots of pictures James had stored on his computer, Tim somehow got in the midst of all the line dancing waitresses. They really put on quite a show for about 5 minutes.
Posted by Claire 3 comments