This was one of Jason's first "buff" moments. Here you see that his 6 pack is a bit underdeveloped.
I had planned on adding this to his birthday blog posting but I still have trouble getting it straight with blogging and sometimes get everything in the wrong place. Help!
Anyway, cute pic....right?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Swimming in Nagoya at 2
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's an established fact that,after19 comes 20!

Jason in his first musical and theatrical moments. Now he sings and dances- with an emphasis on "dances." dances...especially dances!
.And following quickly on the heels of Teresa and her birthday, comes Jason galloping in on the 23rd. Just what is it about August? It might be easier to ask....just who isn't born in August?
Well, I was thinking back on just what I was doing when I was just about to turn 20. Evidently I was being prepared for having 3 sons. I was asked to spend the summer in the middle of nowhere in East Texas- helping to staff a camp for delinquent boys. The young people in my college had actually built the dorms for these guys and for some reason, the Dallas Judicial system trusted our little staff to have some kind of control and influence over these guys instread of sending them to Juvy Hall. We did have some pretty big guys on our staff so I just did the cooking etc. So, yes, my sons are all big eaters so it is a good thing I learned how to cook massive meals! I really didn't totally mean the insinuation with the "deliquent" remark. They are all angels of course.
I was thinking about how I was facing a big challenge. Fresh out of college, I had been asked to teach 3rd grade in a private school. I guess I have to clarify. The principal had asked me and all the other teachers were asking me and everybody else, not to let it happen. I was up against quite a bit of opposition but somehow the principal overruled everyone and "immature Miss Glines", suddenly became the main influence over 24 seven and eight year olds. That is a whole story in itself.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Just what did happen on Friday the 13th in 1993?
Birthday time!
15!!!!!! Yikes!
I did tell her there was to be no dating until much much later in 21 or something.... maybe 25. She didn't seem too enthusiastic but moms have to be careful now days. Hand holding may be allowed at 16. But then, the prospective boy will have to pass a strict background check- and pass! This man here really put on the charm but I still had my reservations. I told him to come back in the next century! The red rose made me a bit suspicious, It was all wilted and looked like he'd had it all day.
And at 15, a person is expected to be a lot more prayerful and responsible for their decisions or face the consequences. She had an unguarded moment and was about to learn the hard way. Here, she did miraculously receive a pardon at the last moment.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Racy Grandma
I went to a Kid Rock concert tonight. I am not sure I really blended in but it was a witnessing spontaneous inspiration. Potential!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
"Hey, somebody changed the dish schedule and it's not our turn! Besides that, not everybody washed their dish. We outta put names on them , then we'd know who didn't wash their bowl."
Being handsome takes a lot out of a guy. It's tiring work! "I don't know if it's that or just having 6 sisters that pester me to no end".
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Puppy Antics 3
Toby just gave them the "eye" and they all scattered. They wear on his patience. After all- Bostons have it ALL!
What'[s the hurry? Will here has mastered the art of dealing with stress while the 2 girls are still a bit frazzled and learning to cope with everyday life. Women???? Maybe she's just having a bad hair day."Hey girls, slow down and take a chill pill!" I'd like to be out there chasing squirrels and dashing about the yard but somehow I do feel a bit safer in here....don't you? Quality time is hard to come by nowdays.
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Puppy Antics 2
Now kids, you just reach up a bit higher and push that little piece of metal higher......and we're outta here!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A rare rain

Posted by Claire 0 comments
Blue Teeth

Posted by Claire 1 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Summer delights!
I am thinking of throwing together a slide show. Yesterday we buried ourselves in Ice Cream. We officiated at the opening of a Baskin Robbins shop and the owner spoiled us with umpteem varieties as well as slurpies. slushies and ice cream of every imaginable color. Amber won the" licking contest" and won a prize of...guess what? 2 quarts of Ice cream! Jason got a bit more spoiled as all the employees (girls in their shiny blue aprons) kept offering him endless samples. His healthy diet of steamed vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner, went slinking out the door for the evening. Today he is doing pimple control.
I have fond memories of our evening walks along the beach in Italy when the kids were little. The beach was great and all and we used to find all kinds of interesting sea life, shells and seahorses. However, I have to admit that the times the kids loved the most was when we'd stop by the local Cafe and their dad would pull out the money and they'd all get to chose their favorite ice cream. They waited patiently, drooling a bit and once they had theirs, they tried to make them last. Italians make it best, down to the last amaretto soaked raisen.
Of course, Teresa was overjoyed. Her ice cream maker has been in "cold storage" lately.
Well- check my blog tomorrow and there will be hopefully- a slide show!
Posted by Claire 0 comments