I worked a few hours scrubbing this car before his arrival, waxed it and tried to help it put it's best wheel forward. I figured after looking at just dull green hummers and sand covered tanks for a few years, that this little car would be a sight for sore eyes. I was a bit proud of it as some of our friends had helped fix it up a bit mechanically and we'd gotten a new motor put in- no easy feat. I did the waxing in the waning light of dusk so I wasn't surprised that he spent 2 more hours cleaning it when he arrived. Oh well, so much for my detailing career. It wasn't exactly stellar. I'd best stick to dishes and poodles. I'm pretty good at that.
When we pulled in and he saw the banner, his comment was, a simple yellow ribbon would have been ok. The neighbors have enjoyed it. They always get an earful about my kids so Tim has been like a block project here. Everybody has been praying for him and pulling for him. He's our area medic.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
And yet.......another prayer come true!
Posted by Claire 1 comments
Home again...
We took a quick trip to meet up with him in Longview, Texas. It took a few hours but time passed quickly and we were very good as I think every law enforcement person in East Texas was out and busy fundraising on the highways last night. We met up with him and James ( another medic going home in Dallas) and it was oh so nice to see him again. A sweet waitress at the Waffle House thought so too and gave him a big hug.
As we drove up to the house, he was a bit surprised to see the big banner on the front lawn, strung between our big pines. He didn't recognize himself in the cowboy hat. Thanks to Andro and the guys at the print shop.
Anyway....we are happy.
He drove from Fort Benning with James, another Medic that was heading home to Dallas. We just heard that after we picked up Tim in Longview, James had an accident with a truck. Thankfully he is safe but his car will need repairs. He did stop before and rested a few hours but still didn't see the truck.
One BIG thing I learned from Tim being in the Army is that soldiers are group of young people that really need our prayers. Altho' it has been very hard on me having him there in the Army, I do feel like God enlarged my selfish heart to include a lot more children.
When I stay awake at night praying for Tim, I have learned to enlarge that and pray for all those there I don't know. I've been around for a while. I will be 58 this November but one of the delights of my getting older is that I'm continually learning and not afraid to admit I don't know it all. It opens a whole new world. Being a Child of God is a beautiful thing and it only keeps getting better!
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A modern"Lewis and Clark Expedition" alias "Wells and Wells Research and Explorations"
While out on one of Spring Creek expeditions, seeking out new species of creek and bog life, we happened to come upon a trio of armadillos on our path, foraging for some goodies buried in the pine needles. It seems like we are always finding wildlife munching on something. We were certain they would dart away from us so we stood as still as we could, in spite of the voracious mosquitos that were ,speaking of the munchies, busy munching on us.
Noticing they didn't seem at all phased by our flailing arms, we moved closer step by step. We were pretending to be trees on a windy day. They didn't seem to bat an eyelash. I reached over and tapped one of them on the shoulder and he didn't even acknowledge me. Yep, that did confirm they were probably teenagers. I was feeling very thrilled by my bravery and budding friendship with nature and the younger generation. Well, I might have been bolder myself if one of them (the girl) hadn't of turned and headed my way to check out my shiny toe- nail polish. That was too close.
We were a disgrace to the profession of explorers, having both forgotten our cameras or even our art pads and pencils!
Teresa, our resident naturalist ( concerning animals and plant life, not the other kind that hang out on the French beaches) kindly informed me that armadillos carry diseases, especially Hansen's disease (leprosy). Ok, so much for tapping Jr. on the shoulder! I had figured they were a trio of audacious teenagers that hadn't learned to fear humans but I then named them the "Naaman squad". Wisely, we decided to enjoy the moment just a bit more and let them continue enjoying their dining in peace.
Hey, Armadillos are quite amazing up close with the cutest little ears and wiggly noses. God's got quite an imagination, wouldn't you say?
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well, time has been pushed back and Tim will be arriving home on June 3rd. Hoorah or however they say that in the Army.
Posted by Claire 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
the 28th!
It won't be long! It looks like Tim will be flying in to Houston on the 28th of May! What a happy day for us all. His car is up and running so we may not see him as much as we'd like but it will be so good to have him back. So good.........He has had so many people praying for him. Thanks everyone!
Posted by Claire 0 comments